  • 博客訪問:

領略繪畫藝術的魅力 24 Johanna harmon

(2009-11-22 19:24:30) 下一個

約翰娜·哈蒙(Johanna harmon)繪畫步驟及作品
  約翰娜哈蒙,女, 1968年生於美國威斯康星州,在亞利桑那州長大。7歲開始畫畫。她的作品素描準確完美,色彩功力深厚,光影駕禦純熟,哈蒙信憑直覺,一次一個筆法,畫法老練高雅,充滿活力。色層薄變化微妙。參展頻繁,獲獎無數。深受人們尊敬。目前居住在丹佛
Johanna Harmon has been a student of life since her childhood in Arizona. To express her feelings about what she saw back then, she started drawing at age 7. Observations and emotions continue to be at the core of her paintings. Not only does she document the world around her, she also expresses her personal response to the glory of creation, whether exemplified by a dancer's discipline and grace or by a little girls indulgence in the colors and fragrances of a secret garden.
Bringing to life a multi-dimensional person on a two-dimensional canvas requires mastery of the formal aspects of art. Harmon's skills are both accurate and beautiful. Drawing has always been her passion, and for the past decade, she has succeeded in turning the power of color, light and shadow into effective tools that animate the stories on her canvas. Her sophisticated brushwork adds movement and energy to the surfaces of her paintings, especially the luscious, impastoed passages of oil pigments that contrast against thinner, more subtle applications.
As much as Harmon paints for the public, she also admits that for her, painting is a path of self-discovery. "To paint is to honor who I am, one brushstroke at a time," she says. Although she works very methodically, at some point, Harmon lets intuition reign. When that happens, she is at one with the canvas, which takes over, bringing the painter to the role of the observer once again.
In viewing Harmon's paintings, one senses the reverence and compassion that first drew Harmon to the person. Her paintings record unique and individual moments in life, those fleeting seconds that add up to the magnificent, complex symphony we call life.





Her works http://www.johannaharmon.com/Archives.htm

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