
BUYER 的心理素質。(1)

(2009-10-18 19:14:20) 下一個

買房,賣房其實是一場心理戰。我到現在都是做BUYER的代理。對buyer的心理有一定的了解,也看到buyer 心理素質的高低,對成交的直接影響。

在我第一次的openhouse 認識了一對伊朗夫婦。人很溫和。Wife 和我有一麵親的感覺。他們正好是最後來的。我有時間解答他們的一切問題。

他們並不打算買房。他們一直認為他們賣不起。因為他們以為首付一定要20%。我告訴他們如果是FHA, 3.5% 的 首付就行了。那位老公剛研究生畢業,在一家石油公司工作,而且工資不低。而且他們的存款也遠遠超過首付的10%。 他們很高興。馬上決定買房, 要我做他們的代理。

我告訴他們第一步到銀行申請貸款,獲取pre-qualified letter. 期間我開始帶wife 看房。Wife 認定一個區,學區好。我們就開始在那個區看房。幾乎是每看中一個,就有offer. 她喜歡那個區,比人也喜歡。終於找到了一個沒offer 的,因為上市從兩天。那個房子的布局很好,她很喜歡。那個老公是隻要老婆喜歡的他都喜歡。他們是一對lovebirds.

晚上老婆決定帶老公去看看那房子。我也把那個區最近三個月的成交數據給他們準備了一分。他們看過問我為啥有的成交比要價還要高, 我估計當時有multiple offer. 勝者為王。從數據顯示成交價和要價,上下隻差幾千。

老公看完後決定報價。參考我的意見。我給他們分析目前這個區上市的房子不多,而且布局如此好的也不多。要價也很合理。因為臨大路,價格適當地降了,在這個區平方數第二低的。Listing agent 是個不是前10名,也是前20名。

他們回去商量,給了我一個email 告知我報價。我當時心涼,太低,差幾萬。那老公接著給我一個電話問我的意見。我說太低。那老公告訴我那老婆非常喜歡這個房子,他一定要幫她買這個房子。我說那就高點吧。然後就接到email 高了倆千。我email back ‘good start’. 我就做了報價.

第二天收到Listing agent email.他說:‘my seller doesn’t think it’s a serious offer. Blah,blah,,,,,,. Welcome another offer.” 意料之中。我轉告了我的buyer.我的buyer 的惱羞成怒出乎我的意料, “you said it was a good offer’. 我驚了。怎麽怪到我的頭上。我說“it’s a good start.’ 他又說“at lease they should have made a counteroffer. How can we counteroffer!” 我向他們解釋:’It’s not dead, yet. They said ‘ welcome another offer’. 我的buyer說:”no。At least they should have made a counteroffer.” 我說:because the seller or the listing agent is smart. They don’t want us to know their bottomline. But we can always offer what we think is reasonable. 他們還是決定不offer.我也沒push。: Ok. We can keep looking.

第二天又接到那個老公的電話說那個老婆就是喜歡那個房子。 他一定要買那個房子是他老婆happy. 我也被他的愛打動,我說:I’ll do my best to help you. 我們又開始討論價格。我跟他說如果差一萬以內是有希望的。但他還是決定報一萬以外。我也隻能說:give it a try.

在第二輪報價前,我給Listing agent 發了一個kiss-up email:

It was nice talking to you yesterday. Everyone in my office knows you and says you are good. I feel it\'s an honor to work with you.

I talked to my client. They will make another offer today after he comes back from work. It\'s kinda love story: The wife loves the house. The husband loves the wife and he wants her to be happy. So they will try to work with the seller. Meanwhile they have their limitation, too. We\'ll try to come up with a more serious offer...

I think the house is very reasonably priced due to your tremendous experiences. The drawback on this house is the road and the powerline. Further the timing isn\'t good. School already started. This house takes big family and big families are settled down for schools by now. So there will be less buyers and longer waiting time. Just so happens that my client is leasing an apartment nearby. So when to move isn\'t an issue.

I understand you have significant influence on your client. When you put the figures together you will find out our offer will be very close to what your client expects. Hope they can see it through your guidance.

I\'ll try to have the new offer ready as soon as I can.

Looking forward to talking to you again.
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