
主啊!讓我看到我周遭的人,賜我以你的眼光把他們看待, 讓我把智慧和力量付諸於行,使人看到你海洋般寬深的愛!
  • 博客訪問:

《基督是我們生命的訣要》第二十八日 將時間獻給神

(2010-06-14 19:21:58) 下一個




Can it be true, as so many maintain, that there is no time for communion with God? Is not the most important matter, for which we must find time, Fellowship with God in which we may experience His love and His power? Give God time, I beseech you.

 You need time to feed upon the Word of God, and to draw from it life for your soul. Through His Word, His thoughts and His grace enter our hearts and lives. Take time each day to read the Bible, even if it be only a few verses; meditate upon what you have read, and thus assimilate the bread of life. If you do not take the trouble to let God speak to you through His Word, how can you expect to be led by the Spirit? Meditate upon the Word, and lay it before God in prayer as the pledge of what He will do for you. The Word gives you matter for prayer, and courage and power in prayer. Our prayers are often futile because we speak our own thoughts and have not taken time to hear what God has to say. Let the Word of God teach you what God promises, what you need, and in what manner God wishes you to pray. Thus by prayer and the Word your heart will be prepared to have fellowship with God through faith in Christ Jesus.

 Dear child of God, it is of little use to speak of the deeper, more abundant life of Christ as our life, if we do not daily, above all things, take time for intercourse with our Father in heaven. The life and love and holiness of God cannot be ours amidst the distractions and temptations of the world, unless we give God time to reveal Himself to us and to take possession of our hearts.



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