Her name is Zhang Xiaoou. She is one of the top Chinese scholars who serve her fellow students and community with love and passion. However, on 4th March, 2009, her life took a fatal turn. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), a life-threatening disease that will post a staggering SGD 400,000 medical bill to her middle-income family (Xiaoou's mother is unemployed. Her father is a normal worker with average income of SGD 400 per month). Her current insurance can only help her pay SGD 30,000.
To everyone who is reading this article, SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP! She might be your friend, your friend’s friend, or even someone you have never heard of or met, but your generosity and kindness could save a girl's life and her dream!
Xiaoou is one of the most outstanding among the Chinese scholars. She is a smart and diligent senior year student from National University of Singapore with excellent academic results. During her four years of study, she has been placed several times on the Dean's List which is awarded to the top 5% students only. Last year, she won the NUS Student Exchange Award and became an NUS Ambassador to the University of California, United States, and obtained an impressive result (GPA 3.94 out of 4) during her half-a-year stay there. Xiaoou is also an active leader and participant in various school and social activities. She was the Vice Chairperson of NUS Student Union Welfare Committee and volunteered as a teaching assistant for community service project -“GIVE”.
In less than 2 months' time, she will be graduating from the university with a First Class Honor Degree. A brilliant girl with a bright future, she is about to embark on a brand new journey of her life. However, the chance for a bright future was denied 3 days ago, bitterly, with a diagnosis result from National University Hospital that confirmed she is suffering from Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is a disease that causes the bone marrow to malfunction and rapidly spreads cancerous white blood cells throughout the body, potentially causing cancer where they settle. The patient is extremely vulnerable to the slightest illness, leading to an excruciating and agonizing death.
To her family, she is a filial daughter whose achievements have made her parents proud. She struggled so much to inform them this tragic news. To her friends, she is a lively and amiable person who always willing to offer her kind help whenever there is a need. To us who have been accompanying her in the past several days, she is probably the bravest and most positive girl we have ever seen.
To YOU, the readers of this article, please help us to save her life and dream! Your every bit of kindness will help this young lady go a long way. We greatly appreciate your help. Thank you very much!
她叫張曉鷗。她是中國留學生中最出色的同學之一。她是新加坡國立大學四年級的學生。她聰明,勤奮,成績優異。在四年的大學生涯中,她是Dean's List (國立大學每個係最優秀的5%的學生名單)上麵的常客。在她去年作為交換生在美國加州大學讀書期間,她不僅再一次取得了優異的成績(學期平均分3.94,滿分4.0),還被授予新加坡國立大學交換生獎學金以及國立大學學生大使的殊榮。在學習之外,小鷗同學積極參加各項學校活動和社會活動。國立大學學生聯盟後勤部副主席還有誌願者社區服務項目“GIVE”中助教的職務將她培養成為一名優秀的具有團隊合作精神的學生領袖。
Donation Information: (捐款信息)
Zhang Xiaoou's personal bank account in Singapore
Account Holder's Name: Zhang Xiaoou
Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Name: All POSBank Accounts
Branch Code: 081
POSB Savings Account Number: 401-07310-8
The above information is only for interbank funds transfer in Singapore. If you want to do overseas remittance, please kindly hold on as we are looking for a better way to transfer funds from overseas. We'll update the information about it shortly. Thank you!
Zhang Xiaoou's aunt Zhang Yanhui's account in China
Donation by Cheque (支票捐款)
1. Pay to "National University of Singapore". Please write "for NUSSU Help Xiaoou Project" at the back of the cheque. We will collect the cheques at the donation booth soon.
2. Pay to "Zhang Xiaoou". Please write her account number "401-07310-8" at the back of the cheque and drop it to any quick cheque deposit box at any POSB/DBS branch.