450)this.width=450"..."> 450)this.width=450"..." /> 【英文歌專輯】Carly Simon Into White - 博客 | 文學城

【英文歌專輯】Carly Simon Into White

(2009-10-25 19:46:06) 下一個

Carly Simon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlene Elisabeth Simon (born June 25, 1945) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and children's author. She rose to fame in the 1970s with a string of hit records, and has since been the recipient of a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Golden Globe Award for her work.

She is the former wife of another notable singer-songwriter, James Taylor, with whom she has two children: Sarah "Sally" Maria Taylor and Ben Taylor, who are also musicians.

Simon was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1994.


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