腐敗如惡性腫瘤: 生長在不該生長的地方
(2009-02-11 16:08:58)
我早也盼,晚也盼,盼望著台灣的民主旭光,亞州民主的燈塔, 能夠給廣大華人帶來福祉,能夠成為反攻大陸的利器,能夠成為營造雙贏局麵的一個突破點,
麵對扁家族海外驚天洗錢案東窗事發,人們驚呼:“民主的台灣比原來更腐敗:陳水扁的奶水是致癌物”;人們質疑: 為什麽“民主”比獨裁還腐敗?
扁家案曝光後,不說藍營,就是民進黨高層也一個個義憤填膺忙於切割止血, 虎父無犬女,扁女陳幸妤采用玉石俱焚的焦土戰略:“有人拿走錢,我爸叫我不要講, 蘇貞昌沒拿到錢嗎?謝長廷沒拿到錢嗎?陳菊在高雄沒拿到錢嗎?” 黨高層噤若寒蟬,紛紛臥倒免得被陳家流彈擊中。
腐敗這個玩意兒, 如惡性腫瘤, 常常生長在不該生長的地方,
它是怎麽產生的? 腐敗的根源是什麽?
像我這樣,滿腦子漿糊的人,想說明白? 不可能的! 一定要說一說怎麽辦呢? 往民主*獨裁,官場的機製上麵胡扯唄!
Thanks a lot. Totally agree,
It is extremely disappointing to witness what Chen Shui-Bian did and how the hardcore DPP members responded. However, majority of the people in Taiwan do not support Chen and DPP, and Taiwan has a new leader and government. This means there is hope for a better future, and this is made possible only because there is democracy in Taiwan. So, do not give up your hope on democracy. Don't give up democracy just because of Chen Shui Bian. Instead, you should celebrate because Chen will get his judgment and punishment soon.