

(2009-10-01 08:32:30) 下一個

I finally got 2 weeks off to visit China. I was not able to find the way to home. My home town is a small town between Suzhou and Shanghai. My old home was replaced by a Gas station called "中國石化-Shell".  Behind my old house, there is highway called "現代大道連接 蘇州和上海。 My parents moved to a new village called "Palace-宮殿新村

On the 2nd day, one of high school classmates invited me to have a dinner with some our friends in the town. After the dinner, we went to Kara OK. There were many good look young ladies greeting us when entering the Kara OK room. The friend asked the manager to bring up all girls to the hall, then picked up one tall young lady to accompany me. I tried to decline, but failed.

The girl introduced herself She told me that her name is “夏雨”, just came to this town to visit her friend yesterday She is from鄭州。 She temporarily woks as 小姐 tonight, because her friend told that 小姐 would earn a decent money and have fun if her  mind is open enough.She graduated from a "dance school" a few years ago. She has not had a formal job so far. Her dream is open a fashion store at her hometown some day.

I   told her my name is "春風  just came back to hometown from 美國。 My job in US is to sell "sandwiches" in the subway at Manhattan, New York. She laughed: you are a liar. I asked if she would go out with me tonight. She said: I would not go out with any one, just accompany you to sing or dance. Then she sang a song for me "愛你一萬年". She has a nice voice, the song is very beautiful. We danced together along with other friends. She is tall and pretty as well very young. She told me she is 21 years old.

After a while, she asked if I am serious to bring her out tonight. I did not answer immediately. I asked if what kind of man she would like to marry, she said: he should have some solid foundation for the new family. Then she told me that she had a sexual relationship with a married man when she was 18 years old. The relationship lasted about one year. She really loved the man, but finally she found out he is a married man, so broke with him.

Again, she asked if I am going to bring her out. I asked how much I would pay. She says: at least 1000 Yuans for “a while” and 5000 Yuans for “a whole night”.  Some of her friends may ask less if they like the man. But she would like to get at least 2000 Yuans, otherwise she prefers to stay at home. I was just curious, and did not argue with her about the price.  Maybe I am not handsome enough, so she asks for a high price for a ugly man. I asked if she would be willing to go with me to US. I would be going to sell “Sandwiches” at Subways at Manhattan, New York, and she would sing songs beside me. She said: it sounds great, but I do not know English.

Finally I paid her 200 Yuans for her service (standard service fees). She sadly asked me: are you coming back some day? 

I do not know. If for love I would, for sex , may not.

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