
College Experience beyond Classrooms, reading rooms and lab

(2018-12-26 05:39:44) 下一個

My high school junior was leafing through a stack of Play Bills at the breakfast  table. Play Bills are unique because of its eye catching yellow band. He is  rarely caught with books in his hands. I asked him what he was looking for. Then, the rightful owner of these books came downstairs.  I asked her " are they what I think they are?". Yes. That is all the plays and musicals she had watched in person. There was 18 of them.  

 At first, she thought that I might not be happy  at her for going to so many shows. In fact, I am happy for her and glad that she can find time to relax, rewind and enjoy despite the heavy load. That is in the high side.  Many students may not have even set foot in one play after four years of college. It is a pity if the excuse of not going is beacuse of lack of time.


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