
性與情 (小小說)

(2009-01-19 22:44:47) 下一個
性與情 (小小說)

He wanted sex and of course he got it. He is too strong for me to fight against. I tried but never succeeded. I said we should give this up altogether and of course he ignored me. I wish he would not be interested in having sex with me anymore but he apparently does. It would have been so much more comfortable if he and I could really live like roommates. I guess I can keep wishing.

Tonight for the first time ever, I felt I was about to cry when he was doing it on me. I felt sad and wanted to cry. There was no enjoyment from my part. I was being an object. That\'s all. K and I were talking about “object”this afternoon through MSN.

Me says:
Will W pick you up from the airport or do you have to get to the hotel yourself for the meeting?
K says:
No hotel...the hotel is in F city... We don\'t go there until Tuesday night... Will you meet me there?
Me says:
I would love to but now it is too late to book the flight… and you didn\'t think I was needed there :\'(
K says:
Wait... it\'s not a matter of need...that does not sound right
Me says:
What would sound right?
K says:
Well need makes it sound like you are an object dear
Me says:
Well, what\'s wrong being an object attaching to you? :P
K says:
The attached part to me is what I would love...but the sound of you being an object seems like there is no emotion
K says:
I don\'t know if I am clear in my explanation
Me says:
Yes, very clear dear :)
K says:
Me says:
I am very much attached to you, from all aspects
K says:
wish we were attached right now...it would be nice to feel your skin
Me says:
I wish the same

Yes, I was completely being an object, with no emotion. Well, as of tonight, this expression is not completely right. It would be more right to say “no affection” or “no compassion” because I got some emotion there, the emotion of feeling insulted for making me into the position.

I was sad because in a way, I have to obey his desire and I got no power to against him. Suddenly I realize 7th of the month was actually the 7th year anniversary for our marriage registration. Of course, neither he nor I remembered. Now, he is done and fell asleep.

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