
推薦一個好去處: Children's Museum (好多PP!)

(2010-01-11 08:18:29) 下一個

丫丫剛滿17個月, 說是museum, 其實對她這麽大的孩子來說, 就是個大遊樂場. 周六我們第一次去, 發現了這好地方, 第二天上午又帶她去玩了倆鍾頭, 大冬天的比關在家裏強多了, 對大人孩子都好.

In toddler's terrain (for kids under 3 only):


She's fascinated by this ball floating in the air!

In the "water room", where kids learn to explore the nature of water, where it comes from, where it goes and what it does. Mostly, they love to make a splash!


Healthyville: learn about vegetables, fruits, doctors, dentists, ambulance, etc...

She didn't care too much for the doctors, but sure loves to push buttons wherever she can!


這地方我也是剛從朋友那聽說的, 原來離我家特近, 開車才15分鍾, 平時卻從來沒有注意過高速公路上那個巨大的牌子:"Children's Museum", 一下出口就是, 我都奇怪那麽顯眼的地方我在這住了這麽多年怎麽都不知道, 看來和自己無關的東西就容易視而不見啊!

我們加入了family plus membership, 一年$175, 全年隨便去多少次都免費(否則一次$9/人), package包括父母和家裏所有孩子, 甚至包括兩位grandparents, or any 2 guests accompanied by member. 這簡直太劃算了. 而且這membership是全國一百多家Children's Museums連網的, 有了這會員證也可以免費去其他的children's museums, 喜歡旅遊的家庭可以考慮. 

若有興趣的話, 大家可以去這裏看看有沒有離你家比較近的:

http://www.childrensmuseums.org/visit/reciprocal.htm " target="_blank">http://www.childrensmuseums.org/visit/reciprocal.htm

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mamasmurf 回複 悄悄話 thanks for sharing, my son is almost 17month too, we have been thinking about taking him to the children museum here:)