Monday: What a day! In the morning opposing counsel told me that one of my cases got dismissed. A very tough case! I thought my good time had finally come. Half an hour later, the dude called me again to tell me that he made a mistake, only part of the case should be dismissed. Idiot, next time make sure you know what you are talking about!
Monday afternoon: Having a partial dismissal is still a good thing right? Not in the eyes of my boss. "Now we are facing trial, how come you still don't know what the damages are?" Fuck you! There is a reason that I don't know it -- the plaintiffs themselves don't even know what their fucking damages are!
Monday night: What happened today really got me into thinking -- do i really want to do this anymore? is it worth getting cancer for?
Tuesday: Slowly recovering from a bad flu I caught in Texas. I had the most cold-hearted co-counsel in Texas. Jerks!
Wednesday: Had a meeting with boss this afternoon, telling him that I could not work with the other boss anymore. It felt good to get things out of my chest, but I started to get worried that it may backfire on me ... I hope not.
Thursday: Spent two weeks in Texas. Came back to find tons of work needed to be done. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Hope I am in good enough shape to bill 10 hours.
Friday: In bed all day because of the flu, feeling sad -- what am I doing here? what am I doing with my life?
我已經沒事了。我覺得罵人就是非常的有用,罵完就輕鬆了 ~~ 所以我準備在日記裏接著罵下去,可能還會忍不住罵到博客裏來, be prepared Haha :)