

college rank 2011

(2010-08-23 12:23:22) 下一個
Rank 1 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 100 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $38,416 19,411 7%

Rank 2 Princeton University Princeton, NJ 99 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $36,640 7,592 10%

Rank 3 Yale University New Haven, CT 98 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $38,300 11,593 8%

Rank 4 Columbia University New York, NY 93 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $43,304 24,230 10%

Rank 5 Stanford University Stanford, CA 92 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $39,201 18,498 8%

Rank 5 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 92 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,514 19,311 18%

Rank 7 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $36,282 2,130 15%

Rank 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 91 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $39,212 10,384 11%
Rank 9 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 90 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,437 5,987 13%

Rank 9 Duke University Durham, NC 90 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $40,472 14,350 19%

Rank 9 University of Chicago Chicago, IL 90 2010-2011 Tuition and Fees: $41,091 12,332 27%

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