gzlady (熱門博主)
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女兒轉給我的報道, Hate Crimes Surge Against Asian Americans

(2020-04-14 20:50:14) 下一個

剛才和女兒通電話, 女兒說到好些戰鬥在一線的亞裔醫護人員因為Coronavirus遭遇到辱罵甚至攻擊, 她感到難過。 她讓我看一下刊登在Forbes的文章。為轉達女兒想法, 我也在這裏轉載一下這篇文章。

Irony: Hate Crimes Surge Against Asian Americans While They Are On The Front Lines Fighting COVID-19

There have been a lot of encouraging stories about peoples’ acts of generosity and kindness during the COVID-19 crisis. Unfortunately, human nature has its bad side too and the crisis has brought out some of our worst qualities including xenophobia, racism and, in some cases, violence.

Hate crimes against Asian Americans and Asian immigrants in the United States have been surging. They have ranged from verbal harassment to denial of services to physical attacks. There is no way to know to what extent President Trump’s insistence on calling COVID-19 the “China Virus” may have motivated these acts, but his statement certainly didn’t help prevent them. It is true that the Chinese government acted abysmally, initially denying that the virus could be transmitted person to person. But China is hardly a democracy and the Chinese people were the victims rather than the perpetrators of this cover-up. 

In fact, Asian Americans and Asian immigrants to the U.S. deserve our thanks for their role in responding to the COVID-19 crisis. First of all, they are vastly over-represented among the front line medical workers who are treating those who have been infected. Seventeen percent of doctors, 9% of physician assistants and nearly 10% of nurses in the United States are of Asian descent.

Asians and Asian Americans are also at the forefront of America’s efforts to find a vaccine. As of now, one of the most promising efforts has just been reported by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. On April 2nd, the University reported:

“Scientists today announced a potential vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic. When tested in mice, the vaccine, delivered through a fingertip-sized patch, produces antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 at quantities thought to be sufficient for neutralizing the virus.”


再看了一遍文章, 我有點不同意作者說的 "But China is hardly a democracy and the Chinese people were the victims rather than the perpetrators of this cover-up. "   我們說的華裔美國人, 他們首先應該是美國人,然後才是他們的族裔背景Chinese。怎麽把他們稱為Chinese呢?  發生在中國的事情,怎麽會和他們有關呢?


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mikecwu 回複 悄悄話 回複 'gzlady' 的評論 : iLovefriday 這種人估計是五毛黨,他們一般沒有多少個人信息,也不發博文,目的就是到處搗亂,散布仇恨。到處甩一兩句難聽的話就走了,也不會再回來看你的回複,因為他們要忙著去其他地方散布仇恨。因此不用理睬他們。我們發博文的目的是喚醒人的良知,很多人是Silent majority,他們認同你的觀念,但不發言。所以不要氣壘。


gzlady 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ilovefriday' 的評論 : 你怎麽跑到我的blog裏罵人呢。 我貼著文章的link 的本意是我們要讓孩子們保護好自己, 最近因為COVID-19的蔓延, 有些亞裔受到攻擊確是是事實, 你應該有看當地的電視報道吧? 我們做家長的是應該告訴孩子們, 他們也是美國人,他們應該受到公平對待的 。 另外, 很多州都有熱線和email contact, 如果碰到hate crime or 見到了, 大家一定要報告。
gzlady 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Windy2009' 的評論 : Windy, 謝謝你的解釋。 你說得很好, 我們這些一代移民, 籍宣誓之後法律上就是美國人了, 第二代移民, 如果是在美國出生的, 美國就是他們的祖國。 無論是一代或二代, 我們都是對這個國家有責任和義務的。 但另一方麵, 我們也是和其他美國人一樣, 應該得到公平對待的
gzlady 回複 悄悄話 回複 'HBW' 的評論 : 當年鬧艾滋病的時候, 如果我們身在美國, 當然是遇到白人或黑人醫護人員的幾率比遇到亞裔大的。 我估計在這種情況下,當年的亞裔病人多是不敢公開歧視醫護人員的。 其實在美國亞裔感染coronavirus 的比率在各族裔中最低, 為什麽見到亞裔就覺得倒黴呢? 美國在二戰時把日裔關到集中營,這被認為是種族歧視。The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership."[31] The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $3,460,000,000 in 2019) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.

gzlady 回複 悄悄話 回複 '漂亮姑娘' 的評論 : 我說的是在美國出生的American Chinese。 他們當然是American啊, 就像Afican American 也是American 一樣。 無論別人是否認為他們是美國人, 他們在法律上也是美國人。 我們總不能自我歧視吧。
HBW 回複 悄悄話 因為冠狀病毒所有亞洲人遭到歧視屬於人之常情。沒啥大不了的。雙方都得認倒黴,無需爭辯。

Windy2009 回複 悄悄話 廣姐說的很對。亞裔就是受害者。其實亞裔很少對美國社會造成任何麻煩。犯罪率最低, 最勤奮努力, 最短的時間內成為model minority. 亞裔在很多的科技, 文化, 商務, 法律, 醫學等等方麵都是有傑出的貢獻。但是總是被看作不是美國的一部分。但是美國法律很明確就是入籍宣誓之後法律上就是美國人。那種排斥亞裔, 對亞裔進行各類暴力和歧視就是輕視法律的存在。一定要提醒主體美國人這個。
漂亮姑娘 回複 悄悄話 典型的鴕鳥思維:你自己覺得自己應該為美國人是不算數的,既然華人所在的是美國,就應該看當地的美國人是不是認為你也是美國人再說。
ilovefriday 回複 悄悄話 你有認知障礙。
ert_wang 回複 悄悄話 造謠文章!一定是左逼的作品!