gzlady (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2010-12-16 21:10:44) 下一個
先生是個虔誠的基督教徒, 他除了每個周末都上教堂外, 每個星期三晚上還參加聖經學習班。 上幾個星期, 他的聖經學習班給每個學員一個卡, 讓他們寫給最應該感謝的人。 我先生就鄭重其事地在上麵寫了一段話, 在一個周六的早上, 煞有介事地把卡遞給我。



We were given these cards at church to give to someone for whom we are grateful, and I can think of no one I am more grateful for than you. You bring joy to my life and you love me for who I am, despite my short comings.  I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and I thank God for bringing you into my life.

                                                                                                                  Your loving husband

雖然, 這隻是一個小卡, 但它還是讓我感到溫暖。

今天, 我們這裏下雪, 先生去了賓州接他的小兒子回家, 我下班回家, 我們家的車道上有一層積雪, 車道有點抖, 我竟然不能把車開進車庫, 試了兩次, 我放棄了, 就把車停在車道上。 如果先生在家, 我肯定會去叫他出來, 讓他幫我把車開進車庫。 雖然, 我總是自稱是個堅強,獨立的女性, 但其實, 在生活上, 我還是很依賴我的先生的。

他也是我應該感謝的人, 但我還是覺得我最應該感謝的人是我的父母。 也許, 這也是文化差異吧.
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閱讀 ()評論 (1)
CountryRoses 回複 悄悄話 I read some of your book and I like them very much( actually I like you very much too.)I feel you are more American now than Chinese. Americans are more grateful for everything. Or we can say they are more appreciated to the things happen to them. At least I feel this way. I am chinese but sorry I type chinese very slow.