
Tears Donde Voy

(2009-12-03 20:04:44) 下一個
Tears Donde Voy

All alone I started my journey 獨自一人開始自己的旅途

To the darkness for darkness I go 向著暗夜 前行再前行

With a reason, I stopped for a moment為著一個緣由

In this world full of pleasure so frail 在這個充滿歡悅的脆弱世界, 我,隻是稍作停留

Town after town on I travel 持續不斷的旅程,我在一個城市又一個城市

Pass through faces I know and know not 擦身而過,一個又一個,熟悉或陌生的臉龐

Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple 如同飛鳥,我偶爾也會失速

Time and time again, just farewells 一次又一次,不變的隻有,道了別再道別

Donde voy, donde voy 我要去的地方 要去的地方

Day by day, my story unfolds 故事的情節,一天天的展開

Solo estoy, solo estoy 孤獨的我,好孤獨

All alone as the day I was bron 孤獨一人,如降生之初

Till you eyes rest on mine, I shall wander我一直漂流,直到你的視線因我而停駐

No more darkness I know and know not 我以為至此將不再會有,可知或不可知的黑暗

For your sweetness I traded my freedom 為你的甜美,我放棄了自由

Not knowing a farewell awaits 卻未察,離別將是唯一的結果

You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken 你知道,心之所以能一再破裂

Making room for the harrows to come 就是為了盛裝更多的苦楚

Along with my sorrows I buried 如今,伴隨著憂傷,我葬下——

My tears, my smile, your name 我的眼淚、微笑還有,你的名字

Donde voy, donde voy 我要去的地方,要去的地方

Songs of love tales I sing for no more 情歌不用一再的傳唱

Solo estoy, solo estoy 孤獨的我,好孤獨

Once again with my shadows I roam 終於又一次形影相吊地上路

Donde voy, donde voy 要去的地方,要去的地方

All alone as the day I was born 隻有我孤獨一人,如降生之初

Solo estoy, solo estoy 孤獨的我,好孤獨

Sill alone with my shadows I roam終於又一次形影相吊地上路

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