
剖析男女真實的心理想法 (ZT)

(2008-10-22 16:17:44) 下一個

不行 = 行

行 = 不行

也許 = 不行

你應該學會如何交流 = 你一定得同意我的觀點

對不起 = 是你對不起我

你愛我有多深 = 這樣你就不能對我發火了

我們需要※※ = 給我買※※

這個得由你來決定 = 我已經決定了,照著辦吧

隨便,我才不會管你 = 你敢

我們應該談談 = 聽我發牢騷

算了,接著做你的事吧 = 不許做

你很有男人味兒 = 快去刮胡子,快去洗澡

關上燈會更浪漫一些 = 我比較難看

這廚房不大好用 = 我要新房子

換一副新窗簾吧 = 換窗簾、地毯、牆紙、家具……

你愛我嗎 = 做好心理準備,我要買個大件

還要一兩分鍾就好 = 你最好去看一個小時的電視


我餓了 = 我餓了

我困了 = 我困了

我累了 = 我累了

今晚一塊去看電影吧 = 然後我們可以那個

今晚一塊吃晚餐吧 = 然後我們可以那個

今晚去跳舞吧 = 然後我們可以那個

可以知道你的電話嗎 = 不久我們就可以那個

這衣服挺漂亮 = 露得夠勁兒

你看起來很累,我來幫你按摩 = 讓我好好摸摸你

我愛你 = 現在可以那個了吧

我也愛你 = 現在可以那個了吧

一塊聊聊吧 = 先把你侃暈,然後再那個
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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
qing1683 回複 悄悄話 有趣有道理,適合現實的社會,哈哈,支持一下
金色的麥田 回複 悄悄話 真有意思~~~~ 男的真是隻想著這一件事嗎?

ルパン三世 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,很黃,很暴力。不過支持~
大宗師 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,有意思,不過沒那麽嚴重,別認真!
imbthinkpad 回複 悄悄話 他隻是說出赤裸裸的事實而已。所謂事實就是你接受也好,不接受也好,它都不會因你的主觀意識而改變。
wxcqq 回複 悄悄話 pretty funny, but at some degree, he is quite right....
BananaEggs 回複 悄悄話 回複眾神皆醉的評論:
You know, a creature's instinct is to survive and to reproduce, period.

As human civilization gradually formed, many rules, laws, taboos etc were imposed on people so the society as a whole can be in order and make progress.

We just keep our beast part of ourselves hidden, or suppressed. Sigmund Freud explained many human behaviors were caused by the suppressed sexual desire.

Why do men want to have sex with different women? A man's nature instinct is to spread his sperm to as many women as possible so that his reproduction is more secured.

Why do women like to have a love feeling with a man before sex?
Well, women could not compete with men physically for survival in ancient times, a woman needed a "bread-winner" so that she and her babies can survive, so a woman wanted to be sure her sex partner is reliable.

Imagine the homo sapiens were still dwelling in caves:

A female X would desire a male mate who was handsome and physically strong (nature's call, so that her children, upon inheriting the good genes, would have better chance of surviving). But, a handsome and physically attractive male was also desired by other females. This male would fool around and was not a reliable food provider. So, it came to the second selection choice for the female X - - a male mate who was not young, not handsome, but experienced in hunting and dependable.

In ancient time, most females probably went through both stages in sequence. Bore children with the 1st mate, and then settled with the 2nd mate ---both the reproduction and survival instincts were fulfilled. How wonderful.

Even now we see this selection dilemma all the time. A pretty young woman, dating or living-in with a handsome, young, not-so-wealthy boyfriend, but eventually married and settled with an old, not-so-handsome, but rich provider.
眾神皆醉 回複 悄悄話 真的嗎,男人們?
浪寬 回複 悄悄話 有點道理。
晚上靜悄悄 回複 悄悄話 很好笑