
回複:every woman go through that phase at some point of their live

(2008-09-21 14:57:08) 下一個
Of course. I will be in great panic if ladies are not after the newest release of bags any more. You see I am more concerned with the economy than fashion at the moment.

However I can sympathize with LZ's hunger for something more. S/he may not be able to produce/introduce those new ideas to this forum personally. But such desire alone is commendable and may lead to something wonderful in the future. Sadly this forum is too pacified to respond to such a challenge.
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Yangtsz 回複 悄悄話 不同意這個判斷。真正不關心政治,表現出來的應該是實話實說,口無遮攔。他們不是不關心政治,他們是選擇了是非不分,明哲保身。這個WXC就有幾個博主也打著”不關心政治”的名義,說著混淆是非的話。

堅持原則 發表評論於 2023-03-06 06:11:29
簡翎 回複 悄悄話 再祝好。
簡翎 回複 悄悄話 祝好。
河東獅 回複 悄悄話 聖誕快樂!
疏影笑寒 回複 悄悄話 聖誕快樂!