


(2013-01-25 12:00:38) 下一個






欲,得,不知足的真正問題在於,它讓我們喪失了自我和生命。欲,為誰而欲;得,為誰而得?足,為誰而足?如果不知道 Who I am ,那麽欲,得,足隻是圍繞著它們自己而瘋狂的旋轉,那是一個無底的黑洞。欲得充滿了我們的頭腦和心,生命被放棄了,這才是問題的實質。我們為欲,得而哭泣悲傷,我們喪失了力量,智慧,愛和光明,這一切都是為了一個無底的黑洞,為了一個我們說不清楚的存在。如果我們隻是這麽泛泛的談論欲得,似乎還不夠清楚。那麽我就以愛情為例,來說明這種欲得,不知生命之基,到底意味著什麽。道德經所談論的道,真的有助於我們理解生命嗎?我們隻是談論文字,還是道德經真的說了一些值得我們反思的問題。


我認為,年輕人的愛情,並不是如有人所說,都是起始於性欲。它是一種包含著各種成分的 desire and it happens when our root is not deeply established 我的同學中,有因此而自殺的,有因此而精神異常的;我的同事有因此而進精神病院的;我的親屬中,有因此而高中輟學的。即使是 40 50 歲的人,也有人因此而受到各種傷害和折磨的。為什麽會發生這些事情?

如果我們不知道生命之基,這就意味著我們內在的生命世界尚未建立,這就像一個未成熟之胎兒,他的眼睛還沒有睜開,他還不能從語言中聽出隱含的意義。所以這個時候,我們不可能看見對方的生命,我們不可能知道對方是誰。我們隻能知道對方的身體,外在言辭,和表麵行為。在這種無明之中,我們突然將自己生命之臍帶,與對方連接,這是一種非常危險的行為。所以從某種程度上來說,所有年輕人的愛情,都是如此的。因為我們不知道自我,所以我們也無法知道他人。一切隻是一種命運,一種 conditioned path which is out of understanding If we still cannot find the self, then doesn’t matter if we are 20 or 50, we will repeat the same pattern. Desire is the hidden driving force; is the final target without knowing where we are going. Life is lost so love is also left to unknown and tragedy. But what will happen if we know life?

知道生命,意味著你打開了內在的眼睛,你看到的不隻是對方的身體之形,而是對方的內在世界。對於很多人來說,愛情往往意味著身體美之吸引,似乎對方是個 object that I want to own or get. The fact is that the other is not an object but a life, a world, and a soul which has its own space, configuration and function. The other is a mysterious life that he or she is trying to understand and explore. So love is not something we want to or but a process that can give us meaning of life. Dependency is not love and we can never own the other so we should not try to change the other or manipulate the other, but only to join with the other to explore life, to create life, and to experience life. If you can live in your life but not your desire, then the source and power of love is from life itself, but not from sexual attraction. 生命存在,那麽愛就存在,愛情也存在,並且是永恒之存在。 Then how can you lose love ? What is the role of desire in love? What does beauty mean in love?

First we have to see the beauty within to understand the beauty without. External beauty is a door but it is the inner beauty where we can ground our life. Love is the eternal power from our soul and desire is only one of the channels to express love. If possible, move desire out of the conditioned self, and project it somewhere between the eyes, between the souls, between the body. How can we lose love if the source of love is always here? When we cannot feel the love, it is because our life is hidden. Then we try to find a dependency to fill this hidden hole. This will always fail and tragedy is often the result. Nothing can take the position of life, not looks, not money, not position.

所以理解和建立生命,是愛的前提。隻有 “ 知足 ” ,知道生命之基,才可以恒足。什麽是恒足?幸福不需要去掙得,愛情不需要去尋找。幸福無限,愛情永存。你來到這個世界的使命,不是去尋找依賴來填補黑洞,而是來創造生命,呈現恒愛。




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