Common Sense


The coming tyranny

(2008-10-20 11:07:59) 下一個
A little more on the Fairness Doctrine:

Note that with the Democrats in control of the government, the Fairness Doctrine will only be applied where the Democrats decide "fairness" is needed. That means it will be used as a bludgeon to destroy conservative talk radio, half of the shows on Fox News, and the few conservative newspapers still in existence, while leaving absolutely untouched the countless liberal print and broadcast news outlets and the liberal public school and university curriculae. It will so powerfully diminish the conservative voice in America that it will almost guarantee the Democrats a lock on power for decades to come, because they will have absolute control over information in this country.

Does anyone see this as being any different from what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, or what Stalin did in the Soviet Union, or what Mao did in Communist China, or what Castro and Chavez did in Cuba and Venezuela? How can anyone whose mind is functioning right possibly support the tyranny promised by the Democratic party?

And does anyone who supports the left have even the slightest understanding of the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."?

The current Supreme Court might, repeat, MIGHT strike down such a measure, but that's far from guaranteed considering how little half of the sitting justices care about the Constitution. But once Obama has appointed even a single justice, all recourse to Constitutional protection will be lost.
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