  • 博客訪問:

今夜星光燦爛--Comet Lulin(圖)

(2009-02-25 10:07:57) 下一個

1996年的一天夜晚,一個7歲的中國小男孩兒用一個小望遠鏡看到了一顆拖著美麗,蓬鬆慧尾的星星。起初他以為自己發現了一顆彗星。但他後來得知,兩名男子“海爾”和“波普”早已發現了它(海爾波普彗星--Comet Hale-Bopp)。自此以後他一直夢想著有一天能找到自己的彗星。

2007年7月的一個午後,那個小男孩兒葉泉誌已經長大,成了中山大學的學生。他趴在桌子上,聚精會神地觀看一張台灣天文學家林啟生(Chi-Sheng Lin)在幾天前的一個晚上於鹿林天文台(Lulin Observatory)進行巡天觀測時拍攝的一張星圖。葉泉誌的手指從星圖上的一點移動到另一點,突然停了下來。他發現,那些恒星中的一顆星並不是恒星,而是一顆彗星。葉泉誌成因此為第一個發現這顆彗星的人。那顆彗星以拍攝到它的天文台而命名為鹿林彗星(Comet Lulin)。




不禁想起多年前Selena的一首歌《Dreaming Of You》,

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up late and think of you
and I wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too ...



09年2月23日伊朗 09年2月22日美國 09年2月23日意大利

連續幾次放下,又拿起望遠鏡看著那顆遠方而來的過客--它最終會離我們遠去,雖然有些不舍,但某個時候一定還會有新的驚喜再次接近我們。當我最後一次仰望星空準備回屋時,我好像聽見在遙遠星空的某處有個聲音在說:我是你的Lucky Star。。。


【Dreaming Of You】 --Selena 

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up late and think of you
and I wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too

'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you ever see me
and I wonder if you know I'm there (Am I there)
If you looked in my eyes would you see what's inside
Would you even care

I just wanna hold you close but so far
All I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you (Yes I'll do)

I'll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

I can't stop dreaming of you
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti
I can't stop dreaming
Cómo te necesito
I can't stop dreaming of you
Mi amor, cómo te extraño

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe
That you came up to me and said: I love you
I love you too

I'll be dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world l'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly...
With you tonight
And there's nowhere in the world l'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly...

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