(2008-10-08 09:55:48)
正好男朋友打電話。我給他講了《畫皮》中的愛情故事。我問他,會不會為了我而犧牲他的生命。。。還沒等我說完,他立馬說:yeah yeah..
我立馬打斷他的話:hey hey, u r lying to me.. U and I know that you will not sacrefice ur own live to save my life!
電話那邊哈哈大笑: But if in the woods, we are attacked by a big bear, do u think i will push you into the bear?? I will expose myself to the bear first because i have more musle than u, then you will have enough time to run away...
okokokokok, I said , next time, do not say something unbelievable in order to make me happy.. I understand that American people value their lives very much...
okokokok, hahahhahah he still laughed at the phone;)