

(2012-01-07 01:56:55) 下一個

連續7天帶著幹糧等負重11公斤在雨林山中完成了Milford Track 和 Routeburn Track.

最後一晚呆的營地叫 Routeburn Fall Hut, 在其飯廳(廚房)的牆上掛了兩幅白布,

上麵寫滿了各種文字。營地管理員(Warden, Ranger)宣布完注意事項後,拿著一大


盡管大家互相討論,最後還是沒有全部辯認出, 大家猜認了21種(其中還有個別錯


I did this track in reversed way

Milford Track Map.

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準備: 1)預定 Milford Track 需提前好長時間預定,(網上說要提前一年)我是6個月以前訂的,預定可通過NZ DOC 網站,這主要是因為DOC的沿途hut 每天隻接待40人(必須住hut不能Camping)。這個Track的4天行程是死的而且是單方向的,實際上3天完全可以完成。 而Routeburn Track 則很靈活如果訂不上hut,可以Camping,而且可以正反兩個方向走。行程是3天,你要走的快兩天也可以完成。

2)需要帶的東西: 衣服: 替換的保暖衣褲3套(不要帶棉的),防水的外衣外褲,加一雨衣(PONCHO)。 鞋: 防水,鞋底痕子還很深的登山鞋:,最好帶上綁腿套(gaiter)這樣下雨時,水進不了鞋,還可以走深草地。




食物: 全程的吃的要帶足。如果隻走Milford Track 要帶4天的。如果要連續走兩個 Track 需帶7天的。買高能的食品。有專門賣這類食品的店。我當時到Te Anau 太晚了,這類店關門了。隻好到超市裏買了10包牛肉,三文魚等每包100克,10幾包方便麵,10幾隻熱狗式麵包。另外帶幾袋巧克力,花生,腰果之類。咖啡,茶等因人而易。要帶上煮水的鍋等餐俱。不需帶的東西是洗澡用的,沒澡可洗。




 Day 1. Te Anau to Te Anau Down(by bus), Te Anau Down to Glade Wharf by Cruise Glade Wharf to Clinton Hut (3.5 km) (starting walking) This is an easy day along a fire trail to Clinton Hut.

Day 2.To Mintaro Hut (16.5 km) More challenging, along the Clinton River with a gradual climb to Mintaro Hut.

 Day 3.To Dumpling Hut (14 km) This is the day that we climb 500 metres to the wonderful MacKinnon Pass, and then 1000 metres to Dumpling Hut. before Dumpling Hut took side trip to Sutherland Fall (NZ's tallest waterfall)

 Day 4.To Sandfly Point and Then to Milford Sound by boat and so far ended Milford Track, took Milford Sound scenic Cruise tour and finished at 16:40. At 17:00 took bus to the Divide to start Routeburn Track walk, after getting off the bus, walk towards Lake Howden Hut, overnight at Howden Hut.

Day 5 To Lake Mackenzie Hut , started the day by backtracking the side trip to Key Summit, passed the Earland Falls

Day 6 To the Routeburn Falls hut(but before this took side trip to Split Rock which is huge), passed Harris shelter. and took side trip to Conical Hill

Day 7 To the Routeburn shelter and on the way took side trip to north Routeburn from Routeburn Flat Hut,  finished the track , then took bus to Queenstown via Glenorchy

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twotwo 回複 悄悄話 走了7天隻帶了11公斤行李?真佩服。我隻走了Milford Track,背包18公斤,因為有個急救包,又帶了兩隻羊腿(lamb shank),當然這是個錯誤,但是享受的時候還是看到了別人羨慕的目光。