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Star Scopes (9/18/09 - 9/24/09)

(2009-09-18 19:16:12) 下一個

Star Scopes (9/18/09 - 9/24/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19 (白羊座)

The greatest ideas flow from the heart well. These arise from spirit and universe and pop into the mind. This is like a light bulb turning on. It is your greatest truth. Listen to it, accept it and take it into your being, no matter what your head says. Then act on it. Spiritual instincts do not lie. it gives you the winning edge.

Taurus-April 20-May 20 (金牛座)

Your strong spirit is there when needed. It gives you the grit, determination and choices to keep on going when challenges confront. Deal with them and move forward. Never give up on your dreams. You always help others. Let them help you when you need a friend. Now you are headed on and up to greater glory.

Gemini-May 21-June 21(雙子座)

Universal wisdom guides you. It’s about wise choices. When you let the lower will take over, you see less of the good things happening. Lower will operates on chance and gambling. Surrender to the higher will. It operates on instincts and choices. It’s all a matter of patience, trust and faith; how much do you have?

Cancer-June 22-July 22(巨蟹座)

The true meaning of love lives in your heart. You have the greatest heart that has ever lived. Why? Your encouraging words always uplift your family, friends and others who revel in you love, joy, beauty and awesome spirit. Thank you for all you give to all of us. You are a true angel on the earth. We are so blessed.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22(獅子座)

Resist the temptation to take on more than you can handle. Stay focused on your top three goals. Trying to move too many ideas forward will limit your success on any given one. Focus is the key. Refuse to sidetrack on unimportant whims. Sometimes less is more. This should be your focus. Can you handle it?

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22(處女座)

Stay calm when others around you are trying your patience. Refuse to let events out of your joy rob you of your patience. You have an unusually large wide, open heart. Sometimes others will not fully appreciate this large heart. It’s up to you to protect it and keep it safe. If you don’t do it first no one else will or can.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22(天秤座)

No matter what happens around you, the key is to keep balanced. Keep a lighter touch. Trust in your own instincts first and then in your closest friends. There is no need to be judgmental or analytical now. Live and let live. A lighter touch always works and moves you closer to positive realities. A little fun is in order.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21(天蠍座)

Stop trying to figure things out. The more you think, the less you will know. You are born of feelings and heart, not from mind. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have a strong mind. You do. But your greatest strength comes when you follow your awesome heart and let it guide you home to victory.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21(人馬座)

What is it that you truly want? Look at the larger picture. Refuse to dwell on the smaller things in life. Keep your eye on your dream. You can’t control the earthly stuff. But you can stay focused on your life’s purpose. It is to help others move forward and achieve their dream. Don’t ever forget this awesome dream.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19(摩羯座)

Your spirit is so strong. You heart is open and your mind is alert. Your energy is flowing much better than in the past. Be sure to listen to your instincts first and make decisions based on your inner guidance. This high form of respect insures that family and friends will give it as well. Now everyone honors you.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18(寶瓶座)

Acknowledge your worth. You may be more valuable than you give yourself credit for. Look at all the positive change and progress in the past few moths. Your communication and leadership skills continue to grow. You are happier and having more fun. What could be more important? Great job, Aquarius, keep it up.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20(雙魚座)

You are the depth of the depths. No one is deeper than you. The greatest visionaries are born Pisces. The greatest challenge is what you do with these prophetic gifts to help yourself survive the world and move on to your greatest calling. Do you know what it is? If you do, move it on and up. Joy is the ultimate gift.


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瀟灑走紅塵 回複 悄悄話 同學們自己對號入座,嗬嗬:))

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花朵 回複 悄悄話 鬆和5憂周末快樂!
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5憂, 周末愉快! :)
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Have a good weekend!:)