
Nice writing, but I can not agree with you "這裏幾個mm,都是經不起別人的批評和異議

(2008-04-26 20:05:52) 下一個
I think some of people finally realized the following:

1. To learn from others is better than to teach to others.

2. To communicate with real people in realy life is better than to write in a forum to internet IDs.

3. To waste time on helping somebody who does not know appreciate others is not worthy.

4. To be stong and popular in realy life to enjoy beautiful Spring is better than to be strong and popular on web forum to enjoy internet satisfactions.

5. If I can help, why not change my work force to money? I have volunteered to be career coach to several new hires of my company, and my manager gave me a 10% surprised salary adjustment as a result. And I have also benefited from his comment: "As a coach or a manager, you listen, not talk."

Now I spend more of my time listen, not only in realy life but also in web forum. And I have realized how wonderful and important this comment IS!

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