

(2011-06-26 10:19:37) 下一個



事後我才從廣播中得知,就在離我家不到一公裏的地方,一位今年大學剛畢業的花季少女Rogers被歹徒開槍誤殺了。Rogers was a recent Northern Illinois University graduate with a degree in child development.


"I feel so sad that people can't go out and just enjoy the weather without there being a bunch of violence. Everybody is somebody's child,"


Goodrum said she and Rogers were walking when they came upon the crowd and the fight broke out. "We saw some guys throw some punches, and she just grabbed me and said let's leave in case they start shooting," Goodrum said.

Witnesses said four of five shots were fired. Rogers was hit the head. She fell to the ground.

"I'm like Aeyanuna, get up," Goodrum said. "She wasn't moving. So I turned her over, and then more blood just kept coming out."

A second person was wounded in the calf. The teenager is expected to be OK, according to his mother, Gerilynn White.  

"We were just trying to leave. We were...we were at the wrong place, wrong time," Goodrum said.

"There were a bunch of people around. They were trying to help me," said Goodrum. "I was trying to talk to her. I was like, 'Are you here with me?' She kinda looked side to side. So she gave me some eye motion. But I was holding her hand and asked her to squeeze it and she couldn't."



"I hope that someone will come forward. Even if you saw something, you know, call the police and let them know what you have seen," Annyce Dunbar, mother of victim's friend.

Police do not believe Rogers was a target.

Police have made no arrests in the case and they have not released a description of any suspect or suspects. It's unclear if there are any surveillance cameras in the area that might help with the investigation.






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土撥鼠撥土 回複 悄悄話 晚上不要在外麵逛。
shamrock100 回複 悄悄話 不是美國治安差,是您住的地方治安差,趕快搬家吧。

偶爾逛逛而已 回複 悄悄話 趕快搬家吧,36計走為上
每天都是好晴天 回複 悄悄話 這麽危險的地方你還敢裝傻充楞?建議下次身上帶點現金出門,太嚇人了
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 回複USUCKIDONT的評論:
USUCKIDONT 回複 悄悄話 "美國的治安真的很差"......美國?......You mean Chicago, right?
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 回複蘇顏坊的評論:
蘇顏坊 回複 悄悄話 看上去是別人打鬥,這個女孩被流彈擊中的?很難相信這還是總統家的附近。槍支太容易被壞人利用了。