

(2011-06-02 13:01:37) 下一個





"什麽問題?" 我習慣性的發問。


"是否要保留數據?" 這是我們開始工作前必須搞清楚的一個問題。

"要。" 女人的聲音。

"價錢要貴些。" 我抬頭看了她一眼。

"要!" 仍然是女人的聲音,而且沒有一絲猶豫。

"$120" 我強調一下,很怕她搞錯了。







"傳出來的數據裏,幾乎都是照片。" 我想確定一下這是否是他們想要的內容。


"是的,我兒子。" 女人有些傷感。



"是的,他死了,是自己開槍打死的自己現在你知道為什麽我非得要數據了吧?"  黑女人的表情顯得異常平靜,但淚水卻從她的眼裏溢出來了。我最看不得別人傷心的樣子,所以馬上把頭轉向她的丈夫。


"你不知道? 新聞都報導了。" 男人毫無表情,木訥,機械地回答我的提問。


"誰的槍? 為什麽向自己開槍呢?" 我十分不解的追問。


"他可能以為槍裏沒有子彈,所以就。。。" 女人搶過話頭,並用手對著自己的頭部做了個開槍的手勢,似乎在笑,但眼裏滿是淚花。


"誰給他的槍呢? "


"他是老五?" 我沒話找話,完全是瞎猜。

"對,是老五,我們總共有8個孩子。" 還是女人的聲音。

"我不要錢了,你們取了機就走吧。" 我下意識地說到。

"不可以,這是$120。" 女人一邊說一邊把手裏的錢遞給我。



"買點好東西吃吧。" 我故意把臉對著孩子,而不去不看兩個大人的眼睛。不知為什麽別人感激的目光我也受不了。



他們走後,我的心情久久難以平靜。 眼裏總是晃動著那個身穿桔黃色T-Shirt大男孩的身影。誰殺了他? 是美國社會製度中有關槍支法的問題? 抑或是由於孩子太多疏於管教的結果? 這不禁又讓我想起我的一個發小玩大人槍時走火的情景來,當時我們幾個小孩就在他的旁邊,隻顧著低頭玩自己的,誰也沒有想到他會扣動板機,而且槍裏真有子彈。萬幸的是子彈沒有打中我們,而是從我們的身邊擦了過去,如果他的槍口偏一點,後果真是不堪設想。。。。



Author: Mostafa Malaekah

They say that a fool lives to eat and a wise man eats to live. But then the question remains: for what purpose does the wise man live? Living is not an end by itself. There has to be a purpose for man to live for. So what is this purpose?
Where from? Where to? And Why?

Any ignorance, however great, could be forgiven except for man to be ignorant about the secret of his existence, his aim in life and what will be his outcome after death. Some thinkers express these questions in simple words: where from? Where to? And why? Meaning: where did I come from? Where am I going? And why am I here?

Those who only believe in the material world and who do not believe in a Creator- the atheists- only believe in sensory data. They say that this universe and everything in it came by itself. All its order is simply due to blind coincidence. They say that man is simply like an animal or a plant and that he will exist for a short period and then end like any other animal or plant.

An Arab Poet, Elya Abu Madhi (a born-Christian), not long ago expressed his uncertainty about the purpose of life in his Arabic poem Al-Talasim, meaning “puzzles,” which I have translated into English. He says in his poem:

I came not knowing from where, but I came.
And I saw a pathway in front of me, so I walked.
And I will remain walking, whether I want this or not.
How did I come? How did I see my pathway?
I do not know!
Am I new or am I old in this existence?
Am I free and unrestrained, or do I walk in chains?
Do I lead myself in my life, or am I being led?
I wish I know, but…
I do not know!
And my path, oh what is my path? Is it long or is it short?
Am I ascending in it, or am I going down and sinking?
Am I the one who is walking on the road,
or is it the road that is moving?
Or are we both standing, but it is the time that is running?
I do not know!
Before I became a full human, do you see
if I were nothing, impossible? Or do you see that I was something?
Is there an answer to this puzzle, or will it remain eternal?
I do not know ... and why do I not know??
I do not know!

Read more: 誰是凶手?

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閱讀 ()評論 (17)
BoilingWater 回複 悄悄話 有心腸之人。多保重。
ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 至少這個孩子是自己扣動的扳機。前兩天那個被打死中國學生,隻是路過就丟了性命。
百合2010 回複 悄悄話 感動!好人!
苗青青 回複 悄悄話 是無知殺死了他。 他自己的無知。還有他父母的無知。


槍是看什麽用的,殺人命的, 殺人是聖經所說大惡之一。一個敬畏神的父母即時法律不禁止也不會把殺人凶器允許孩子玩兒,何況他還沒成年。完兒凶器某一天會出人命的, 這個危險性大人不知道嗎,為什麽不禁止他呢。

所以我說是這家人的無知犧牲了孩子的性命。平凡弟兄是很能思考的人, 這個例子說明人沒有了神和神的標準,真的很危險啊。

饒恕 回複 悄悄話 where did I come from? Where am I going? And why am I here?

Great question!

My answer:
I came from God, the Creator, and I am going back to God's family.I am here for telling you that you are my brothers and sisters, and we are the Creator's glory.
蘭馨小屋 回複 悄悄話 心地挺善良,好人有好報。
顏素 回複 悄悄話 是死者的好奇心殺了他。一切都是事在人為的。
米德1 回複 悄悄話 你很有同情心!好人!
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 回複DanaD的評論:
DanaD 回複 悄悄話 頂樓主的善良。
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 回複zyxlady的評論:
平凡往事 回複 悄悄話 回複顏素的評論:
zyxlady 回複 悄悄話 thanks for sharing the experience
顏素 回複 悄悄話 你很有同情心!好人!