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  • 博客訪問:


(2010-05-03 11:56:26) 下一個


    賴利 Timothy Riley Jr. 2008 年警察學校畢業加入休士頓警察局


    陳寬 Quang Tran (越南人)2009 年警察學校畢業加入休士頓警察局


    歐利華 Victor Olivares 2009 年警察學校畢業加入休士頓警察局




    休斯敦警察局長:查理 Charles McClelland


    1." What's going on with HPD? They are accused, and recorded on tape, of beating a drug suspect- and now a diplomat?


    Now the mayor has some explaining to do. Does she expect citizens to believe that HPD officers don't know where the Chinese consulate building is? This is likely the most famous consulate building in the city, with folks protesting there almost continuously.






    2.IF the officers, in fact, did not know that the building was the consulate, they should be fired- what officer working that area would not know that building?


    Cutting budgets at HPD and HFD- with issues like this and the female firefighter issue- the mayor has her hands full. Hopefully, she doesn't serious think that the public will believe the story that the officers did not know that the building was the Chinese consulate!






    3. “Not only was it a serious violation to go onto the property to exercise law enforcement powers without consent (from the consulate), it was an even more egregious violation if an arrest was made,” said Jordan Paust, professor of international law at the University of Houston. “Each step makes it more serious.” Foreign embassies and consulates are outside the jurisdiction of local law enforcement, according to international law. Also, diplomats have legal immunity and cannot be detained except in cases involving a threat to human life. And, according to Paust, the United States government could be sued or face sanctions from China as a result.


    “It is a grave violation,” he said.


    休斯敦大學國際法教授喬丹帕斯特:“這不僅嚴重違反了涉外執法權 (未經領事同意進入領事館執法),逮捕領事那根本就是一個令人震驚的侵犯行為,每一個步驟,都讓事件變得更加嚴重。” 根據國際法,外國大使館和領事館不受地方執法管轄。此外,外交官更有法律豁免權,除非案件涉及到他人的生命威脅否則不得拘留。據帕斯特還說,美國政府完全有可能因此而被中國起訴或製裁。




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