嘻嘻哈哈 - 兒子成長趣事

Alex lost his first tooth

(2008-03-06 10:56:42) 下一個


It's funny that Alex lost his first tooth at the dentist's office yesterday afternoon. Several days ago, Alex found his lower front tooth started wiggling. He was so excited and can't wait it's falling and the toothfairy to come. The night before, Alex was bothered by the toothache and didn't sleep very well. I took him to the pedi. dentist first time (long over due, i could have taken cared of it earlier). The dentist found that among 20 teeth, there are nine cavity. one big lower right tooth needs to be removed, and the rest of them need filling and spacing. During the treatment, guess what, his loosing tooth come out. The nurse put it into a small case. Alex was so proud showing to grandparents when he got home. Before he went to bed, he carefully put the tooth under his pillow. After he fell into sleep, i took the tooth and stuck a dollar bill under his pillow. This morning, Alex woke up a little bit earlier and immediately search under the pillow-- there is one dallor left by toohfairy. "Toothfaily came and gave me one dallor!" Alex shounted around the house. Then he asked:" Mommy, can i take the money to the school and show my friend?"

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