最高的,占GDP 的百分之十以上。
與的必要性。結果落得個旗開不得勝,四處碰壁,隻能掩鼓息旗 ,退下陣去。但事
眾運動的策略,通過由總統競選積極分子參與的 Organizing for America (OFA)的基層
自6月份以來,OFA 和Health Care for America Now 等組織在緊鑼密鼓地多方運作,
口號是“High quality, affordable health care for all, this year”。
有來自美國各州的工會團體和組織,Acorn, the AFL-CIO, American Federation
of State, County and Municipal Employees, the American Federation of Teachers,
Communications Workers of America, SEIU, and UAW 等,
在HBO的The Sopranos節目中出鏡的女演員 Edie Falco邀請了若幹位不同背景的各
因為我們中的一位代表舉著要求“single payer" 體係的牌子(非奧巴馬的官方策略
8226; 頂!!! -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Co:頂!!! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 醫保改革的關鍵是降低醫保費用 -whatiswrong- ♂ (619 bytes) (75 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Clinton醫改的失敗就在與他對既得利益者的打擊太大。 -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 國家沒有存款,如果不增加赤字,隻能打擊既得利益者 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 但不能太大。 -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
8226; the most laughable answer of the day so far -wxc39- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
8226; We have to spend on "sick' cure it and make it grow, but -MPSocks- (35 bytes) (9 reads) 7/29/09
8226; "sick' economy and cure it... -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 回複:We have to spend on "sick' cure it and make it grow, but -wxc39- ♂ (248 bytes) (17 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Yes ! overall we will have to spend on proper sector to grow job -MPSocks- (202 bytes) (8 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Again, you get yourself lost -wxc39- ♂ (275 bytes) (9 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Whatever ! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Spending on proper sector has nothing to do with baling out WS -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; MPsocks, it was a typical case of you... -wxc39- ♂ (44 bytes) (7 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Show me URs.U don't understand not because you can't, but -MPSocks- (53 bytes) (7 reads) 7/29/09
8226; if we focus on fixing real issues like health care, close loop h -MPSocks- (19 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; if WS needs to rot through first (according to U),. -wxc39- ♂ (41 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; I meant to fix the loop holes of financial system, not WS per sa -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; "rotten through" (lan4tou4) means WS has to suffer more to point -MPSocks- (203 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 看著你咬著自己的手指頭在那裏嘴強的勁頭,想起了那誰誰。。。。。。 -wxc39- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Fantasizing (Yi4Yin2) too much is not good for UR health ! -MPSocks- (96 bytes) (9 reads) 7/29/09
8226; a wife, a life ... -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 嗬嗬,看看你這熊樣兒,犯得著氣成這樣嗎。。。。。 -wxc39- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 氣 ? why ? -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; I do feel a waste of time on someone clueless ! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; i enjoy wasting my time on someone with too many clues like U... -wxc39- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Wrong logic! People with too many clues don't need U and UR time -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 其實指出你邏輯上存在的重大偏差也是對你的愛護。。。 -wxc39- ♂ (34 bytes) (8 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 邏輯? Only law prof can talk about law, economics prof -MPSocks- (127 bytes) (10 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 防止你今後到處丟人現眼不是對你的愛好嗎 -wxc39- ♂ (100 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Get a wife, a life whatever takes to stop UR insanity. -MPSocks -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 看你顛三倒四地引用自己的這兩句,倒真讓人見識了insinity -wxc39- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Only to U "insinity" ? LMAO ! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Agrred ! It can and will be. We have to start first ! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; If 90% or more people use Gov's health plan, doctors -wxc1204- ♂ (316 bytes) (34 reads) 7/29/09
8226; contrary to what GOP predicted/promised, free market did not sol -老忽- ♂ (150 bytes) (20 reads) 7/29/09
8226; health care is more than just a service,it is basic rights. -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Yes, it is part of basic human rights. -老忽- ♂ (77 bytes) (9 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 奧說絕對不通過增加財政赤字來為醫療改革買單 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (231 bytes) (42 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Have you read the news, he is going to cut $$ from -WXC1204- ♂ (122 bytes) (37 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 也許這可以節省一部分 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Then he should refund part of the money to the people -WXC1204- ♂ (52 bytes) (8 reads) 7/29/09
8226; why? -老忽- ♂ (62 bytes) (7 reads) 7/29/09
8226; because they get less benifit due to the cut -WXC1204- ♂ (0 bytes) (7 reads) 7/29/09
8226; do u know medicare will bankrupt if we don't do anything? -老忽- ♂ (70 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Are you sure OB's new plan won't bankrupt? -WXC1204- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Are you sure OB's new plan will bankrupt? -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; The reason why I applaud 08 for guts to even tackle this issue -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; The country will be bankrupt -WXC1204- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Yes, if we don't reform health care system. -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 這次集中在“全民”享有,不是“全麵”享有 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 總結的精彩,會借用此點。 -Stillh2orundeep- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 咱們拭目以待,看他有沒有這個操控能力 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 7/29/09
8226; otherwise, medicare is just like a Ponzi Scheme -WXC1204- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Sorry, u do need to know the basics of a Ponzi Scheme. -老忽- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 從中國引進3億年輕人Ponzi Scheme 就可以暫時循環了 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (6 bytes) (5 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Hahaha ! Ding ! -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 我個人不太確信這張dollar分配的真實性 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
8226; If things come so easy, it would have been done already. -老忽- ♂ (111 bytes) (17 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 老忽哲理名言 --凡爾賽-- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 7/29/09
8226; Co:老忽哲理名言 -MPSocks- (0 bytes) (2 reads) 7/29/09
8226; 的確如此。這種CHANGE從來不是易事,但共和黨無法讓人再信任。 -Stillh2orundeep- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 7/29/09
8226; If thing is difficult to do, it usually is diffcult to do it rig -用戶名被占用了- ♂ (0 bytes) (6 reads) 7/29/09
I know what it takes to be a good doctor and what it takes to be a rich doctor(both in China and US). I know the difference between treating a patient, cure a patient and to prevent a human from being a patient. I know how much weight a doctor's intellegence carries in the whole health care delivery system. This debate is not about whether you want the top 10% or bottom 10% students to be doctors.
Actually it's a very good question for politicians to think about: whether they want a system to encourage top 10% students to be medical doctors.
hehe, I went to the best medical school and I am not only top 10%, but may be top 1%......
But I don't use my smartness as a ticket to insult people who have different point of views or to look down people who are less blessed.
Your comments proves you probably are not at top 10% of your class. Only top 10% or even less students in this country can go to medical school.
However, if you are at bottom 10% of the class, I don't blame you supporting the ObamaCare
If you havn't not heard of this, I suggest you read more!
“most of european countries are trying to privatize their medicine program.
They have experienced it, they want to be like us. ”,這倒是第一次聽說,沒見過這樣的文章。總不至於在美國吃夠了苦頭,尋求變革的時候,有人會願意試試至少10%的人沒有醫療保險的“特點”。
The problem with the current situation (healthcare) is it gets the worst of both socialism(medcare, medcare and gov subsidize to hospitals, very inefficient and wasteful) and capitalism (denial of pre-existing conditions, doctors are profit driven and not result driven).
The only solution is to create competition to bring out the best of socialism and capitalism. I don't think 100% free-market work well in health care.
Only doctors should be and can be trusted in this country?
how about police? How about politician? Are they from the top 10% of the class? Even with the 'smart' doctors now, can they be trusted now?
1. Doctors will be compensate much less. Very soon, the only students want to become doctors are the bottom 10% of the class, not the top 10 %. will you continue trust your doctors?
2. medicaid and medicare patients will have to settle with the less benefits. Because there are so many more people need to be covered by government, people who already benefit will have less coverage.
3. Quality of the care. Our doctors will not have options to choose what care to provide to patients, the government does. The government will tell us what treatment will be cover, what will not!
4. all government social programs have cost more than projected, this will efffect whole country's economy. has any government run program work better than private inductry? NO, they all fail.
5. Last but not at least. Talking to some friends from Europe, most of european countries are trying to privatize their medicine program. They have experienced it, they want to be like us.
Sorry, I am one of the "average Chinese living in the US" who is below the "average intelligence" and think the same as the author. By the way, I do not see so many "average Chinese" you mentioned around here.
ObamaCare 肯定是幾家歡喜幾家愁。憑感覺,大概懶人與老人及非法移民者受益較多。就看諸位屬哪類人。
For people who really have interest, please visit:
There are good or bad politicans on both sides, as long as they truely speak for average folks, we the people need to support them, that's the way how you make politicians work for you other than being manipulated by some vile politicians and caught up in the political game. The way that BO handled the Gates gate showed he is nothing but an empty suit. Americans need healthcare reform, but not the one BO pushs.
The healthcare reform should address to cut down the cost, so everybody can afford. Make it illegal if you don't purchase health insurance just like car insurance.
Free health care for all is not good care and it creates more waste and abuse just like any existing public run welfare. For sure it will bankrupt country if it passes.