
亞特蘭大筆會 (熱門博主)
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(2020-07-17 20:33:06) 下一個




關於秋季開學,將會有很多討論和辯論。今天,2020年7月2日,北卡的威克縣宣布,他們將安排兒童一周實體課堂教學,兩周遠程教學。我希望杜克大學所在地點教堂山學區很快就會效仿,或者製定一些類似的混合計劃。有朋友一直不斷地問我這個問題,“哎,你是一名治療COVID的醫生,您如何考慮將您的孩子送回學校呢?” 這裏,我的回答隻代表我自己的,非常個人化的意見,不反映我的雇主,也和杜克無關。我了解並讚賞與我處於同一職位的許多同事,他們各自有不同的看法。但是既然有很多人不停地問我,下麵就是我作為父母和一線醫生的答案。大致如下。



  • 這個疾病嚇到我了。我在照顧了COVID患者四個月之後,了解了很多。但是對COVID,很多人的病情進展不一樣,治療方案也並不確定。眾所周知,Covid會引起肺,心髒,腎髒,大腦和凝血係統的並發症。這是現在我們對COVID急性期的了解。我們不知道,還沒有知道,得了這個病對病人將來的長期影響可能是什麽。無論如何,我不願意我的孩子去冒這個險。
  • 發病率與死亡率。我以前談過這一點。是的,實際上很少有孩子死於COVID。但是許多年輕人仍然會得病,而且病得很重,會插管,上呼吸機,會有需要用ecmo---人工肺來呼吸。還有孩子得了小兒多係統炎性綜合征, 會得川崎樣疾病伴冠狀動脈瘤。這些並發症都會有後遺症。僅僅因為沒有死於covid,並不等於病人會恢複到原來的健康。
  • 我們還要考慮到老師和學校工作人員。天哪,我們怎麽能問他們這個問題?經過幾個月的謹慎庇護,我們現在要求他們跳入“狼窩”,要與成千上萬的有家庭聯係的兒童互動。(###據說,7月份,佛州參加COVID測試的青少年兒童,有三分之一的結果是陽性。)老師接觸的學生越多,您的風險就越大。相信我,如果我們不采取措施,就把校門打開,想象我們一切會正常,我敢保證,我們將會看到有老師,校車司機,學校餐廳的工作人員,和其他學校員工以及他們的家人陸續患病,並且死亡。(####這些老師,校車司機,學校餐廳的工作人員,和其他學校員工以及他們的家人都是沒有經過嚴格醫學訓練的人員啊!他們和學生們的互動,是和在商店裏僅有幾分鍾付費的短暫接觸,絕對不能劃等號的呀!)
  • 我會繼續讓我的父母照顧我的孩子。如果我們嚴格隔離,我覺得是安全的。但是,如果孩子們回到學校並與來自數十個家庭的數十個孩子互動,那麽他們回家後,我的父母從孩子們那裏染病的風險就會成倍增加。
  • 我堅信,我們將孩子留在家裏並不會對他們的成長造成多大的不利影響,因此我們應該這樣做。我們社區也有很多人,他們的生活,職業和經濟狀況,造成如果讓孩子繼續留在家裏,會受到比較大的影響。我們家不會。我們甚至可以遠程教學長達一年,都不會對我的孩子,我的職業或經濟狀況造成傷害。所以我選擇將孩子留在家中。我這樣做,也可以使必須把孩子送到學校的家庭相對更安全一些。(###因為一部分孩子不去學校,就減少了學校擁擠,減少了老師必須麵對的危險,也使學校裏保持社交距離比較有可能做到)。








(學習這位醫生的帖子後的想法:在疫情沒有有效控製的時期,如果可能,家長要想盡辦法減少孩子去學校麵授的時間,或直接不去學校,改成網上教學,可以減少孩子生病的危險。這樣做,對減輕學校的負擔,老師和其他同學的負擔,也是有好處的。所有的家長,都要盡自己最大的力量保護自己,保護孩子,保護家庭。對英語是第二語言的家長,也可以用google translate了解本地法案的大概。)



7/2: SCHOOL. There has been much discussion and debate about what school will look like next year. Today, Wake county announced that they will have kids in a rotation of 1 week in person/ 2 weeks remote. I expect Chapel hill will shortly follow suit,
Or have some similar hybrid plan. I  keep getting asked this question repeatedly from friends — “well, you are a COVID Doctor. What do YOU think about sending your kids back to school”.  My answer is my own, deeply personal, and not reflective of my employer. And I recognize and appreciate that many of my colleagues in the same position as me have different views. BUT. Since so many keep asking me, here is my answer, as both a parent and a frontline covid doctor. Do with it as you choose:

My family is electing to remote school next year. The reasons for this are multi-factorial:
-this disease scares the shit out of me.  After 4 months caring for covid patients, we certainly know a lot more. But a lot of it isn’t reassuring.  Covid is now known to cause lung, heart, kidney, brain, and clotting system complications.  And that’s just what we know about the immediate effects. We have no idea — NONE — what the longer term effects might be. I am not willling to risk the health and vitality of my kids to find out what those long term side effects might be
-morbidity vs mortality. I’ve talked about this in prior posts. Yes, very few children actually die of covid. BUT many young people still get very very sick. Intubated. Put on ecmo. Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Kawasaki-like illness with coronary artery aneurysms. These are serious issues with long term effects.  Just because covid doesnt kill you; it doesn’t mean you will ever be quite the same either.

-the teachers and staff. My god, how can we ask this of them?  After cautiously sheltering in place for months, we are now asking them to basically jump into the lions den and interact with hundreds of children with thousands of household contacts. The more exposure you have, the more risk you have.  Trust me, we WILL see teachers and bus drivers and cafeteria workers and other staff — and their family members— who get sick and die.
-I want to continue having my parents involved in my kids life. If we strictly isolate, I feel safe doing so. But If the kids go back to school and interact with dozens of kids from dozens of homes, the risk to my parents increases exponentially. 
-I do strongly believe that since we CAN keep our kids home without significant detrimental effects, we SHOULD. There are so, so many people in our community whose lives and careers and finances  will be devastated  by having to do remote learning.  We will not be.  We can do so for a year without undue harm to my kids or our careers or our finances.  I choose to keep my kids home so that families who absolutely cannot do so have just a little bit more safety at school.

I acknowledge that we are EXTREMELY privileged for me to only work part-time clinically and am able to do my non-clinical work remotely and help home school.  And my parents live here and are willing and fully engaged to help us home school during the weeks I absolutely have to be in the hospital. 

This seems like a goddamn nightmare for any family with a single parent, two working parents who cannot work from home, families with out extended family support, and families with ESL, kids with IEPs, exceptional children, etc etc. 

I have zero answers as to how to make it better. Zero. I don’t want kids falling behind disproportionally because their parents cannot afford to home school or hire tutors. I also don’t want to see kids sick from covid and dead teachers.

Any plan than is less than 100% not in-person seems doomed to only worsen and exacerbate the achievement gap between the haves/have nots.

But — Any plan that involves more in person time also puts kids and teachers more at risk. And these teachers quite frankly  do not get paid enough to risk their and their families lives.

I have no answer. It is impossible.

(####Many thanks to this respectaful and honest unknown doctor).





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