2011 (1)
[編輯按語:馬克思主義灌輸論作為馬克思主義理論的重要組成部分,是社會主義國家進行思想政治教育的理論基礎.馬克思恩格斯關於"灌輸"的思想是馬克思主義灌輸論的思想 源流,考茨基關於"灌輸"的論述初步形成了馬克思主義灌輸論的思想框架,列寧對其進行了豐富與發展,中國共產黨的三代領導集體結合中國革命和建設實際進一 步完善了馬克思主義灌輸論-- 王冬梅]
灌輸的定義:indoctrinationis either: (1) any form of teaching aimed at getting students to adopt beliefsindependent of the evidential support those beliefs may have (or lack); (2) anyform of teaching based on methods that instill beliefs in students in such away that they are unwilling or unable to question or evaluate those beliefsindependently; or (3) any form of teaching that causes students to embrace aspecific set of beliefs—e.g., a certain political ideology or a religiousdoctrine—without regard for its evidential status。 Britannica]
(駐烏茲別克斯坦使館供稿) 2008/04/08