

(2012-09-14 09:08:04) 下一個


前一天,自己忙來忙去的,忙到很晚才回家,臨睡覺前,打開電腦查看email,驚奇地看到一個不很熟悉的朋友Sent 了一封email。打開一看。。


Good Morning,

I'm so sorry for this odd request because, it might get to you too urgent but it's because of the situation of things right now:

I am stuck in Madrid Spain at the moment. We are on a trip to Spain for a vacation and unfortunately we got robbed last night at the park of the hotel where we stayed..
it was horrible!! All Cash, Credit cards and Cell were stolen but luckily for us no one was hurt and I still have our passports.
I have been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues effectively and return flight leaves back to Canada in four hours but am still having problems settling the hotel bills.
Please i need you to loan me some cash, PROMISE to refund you as soon as am back.

Hope to read from you Asap.


啊?。。。。頓時為這個朋友心急起來“怎麽這麽倒黴呢?出去Vacation 竟然遇到這種事情。好在人都沒有事情。隻是失去了些錢財和cardscards 好辦,回來後過掛失就好了,失了些錢,就算破財免災吧。。”“Oh 她要借錢就急!”。。看看鍾,現在已經是夜晚12點了,現在離她發這個email(早晨8點多)早已經過了4個小時了,這個忙是幫不上了,可能他們早就坐在飛機上回來了。唉,真是對不起人家,雖然平時都沒有聯係,但是人家在這麽無助的時候能想起來向自己請求幫助,也算是不錯了。於是就立刻回了一封email。。估計她看到這個email時,她已經回到溫哥華了。。

Hi, Mrs L, I just came back and opened email box and read your email. I am so sorry for hearing what was happened during your trip. It may be too later to reply your email now.

Do you solve the problem now? How can I do something to help
you now? How much for the hotel bills? How can I deliver the Cash to you? Where is the place? I can feel that it must be a terrible situation in your life experience. Hope God helps you to overcome from this happening.

Please email back. Thanks.



Hello Rose,

I am so glad to hear from you. Your lovely email has just cheered me up!

It's has been so embarrassing for me right now.. I need some cash to settle the hotel bills so i can catch up with my flight on time. I was wondering if you can loan me $2,050? I'll be very glad to pay back. You can get the cash to me from any Western union office close to you and you would need my details to have it done.

Name: J G C L

City: 40, 1a planta, 28027 Madrid

Country: Madrid Spain

Western Union will require a Photo Id for me to receive the cash and also a confirmation number which will be given to you as soon as the cash is sent. I'll use my passport as identification. Email me the 10 digit confirmation number and every other details which i will need to receive the cash here. PROMISE to pay back...

Best Regards,



不知道這是個什麽地方?出於好奇,於是就又上網,通過GPS 去查看這個地址,咦,看不到什麽park嗎?這個地方看起來也不象是個旅遊勝地啊?她去那裏幹什麽?幾個月前見過她一麵,也沒有聽說她今年有去Spain的計劃啊?沒有聽說她們家在那裏有生意的?再說了,她老爸是億萬富翁,她的兄弟姐妹都是千萬富婆,富公,借錢也輪不到找我這個沒有錢的人借吧?。。好像不符合常識呢!於是就又回了email。。


Dear Mrs.L

I have got your message. Because it is 1Am in the morning, everybody is sleeping now. Everything has to wait for next day. Can you ask your son or your brothers to give their Credit cards to you this time? It may be faster. Let me think about it and find a way to help you.

I will get to you in the morning.



又想想什麽地方不對勁。她沒有了cell phone,那麽,那個Hotel應該有phone吧。我應該打電話過去問問到底是怎麽一回事。。與是又打開電腦發了一個email。。

Hi, Mrs. L, can you give the hotel phone number to me in email? I will call you in the morning.



幾分鍾後,她sent了一個email 回來。。

Thank you for your response I really appreciate it, I feel so relieved at the sight of your email. there is a problem with the hotel due to their network and i have nothing left on right now.. What i need you to do for me is to loan me the $2,050 but I can only receive money here through Western Union. kindly walk up to any nearby store that operates on Western union to send the money use my details below to complete the transfer.

Please keep in touch once its done and leave a number to reach you and so i can call you and let you know i pick up the money.





沒有想到電話被轉給了她,自己就在這邊很奇呀地問:“哎,你到底怎麽樣了? 我還在為你擔心呢。”她在電話裏“嘿嘿“地笑著說:”沒有事的,我已經氣死了,我的email 信箱被駭客進來,盜竊了我的所有資料和密碼。我進不去了,所以沒有辦法通知大家,我現在隻好又申請一個新的。不要管那個email。我沒有去Spain。“

噢嗬嗬。。。Dear!讓我虛驚一場。。“我還以為你真的出事了呢。。正在想辦法幫助你呢。“”謝謝,我今天已經接到很多電話了,所有在email list上的人都收到這個借錢的email。不要去管它了。“


晚上和朋友說起這事,人家回答說:”這世界上,隻有你才會相信那個是真的,所以你很好騙的。你太好心了,所以你經常上當吧?“ ”是的!我承認。。“自己在心裏默默的說。。







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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
五弟五哥 回複 悄悄話 好久不見了,問個好。
五弟五哥 回複 悄悄話 嗨,沒辦法,這丫頭太實誠。
含嫣 回複 悄悄話 我也收到過兩次一模一樣的,隻是國名改了改。第一次還是幾年之前的事了,看來這些人用這個方法詐騙得逞過。

英子yingzi 回複 悄悄話 How did you deal with this kind of email?
tianyazi 回複 悄悄話 I got the same email from an old friend.