
zt: 印度東北部的遊擊戰打地真有意思:鬼子,偽軍...

(2009-09-05 06:38:23) 下一個


印度東北部的遊擊戰打地真有意思;窮追猛打,鐵壁合圍,招安投降,堅決抗戰;鬼子,偽軍,遊擊隊;應有盡有。 是我國經過緬甸幫他們一把的時候了。此舉的最終目的就是:


印度版圖有點象隻雞。雞頭就是現在印度的東北部。印度現在此地建有七個聯邦州,號稱東北七姐妹。這七個姐妹州本來的人民係與中國人相同的東亞人種。他們不認為自己是印度人。至從英國殖民統治時期,他們就開始了不懈的民族解放鬥爭。一般的印度人不但不認同他們為印度人,而且因為他們的東亞人的相貌與特征,認他們為中國人,還以醜惡的種族主義的方式貶稱他們的眼睛為 Chinky Eyes。連接東北部的雞頭與印度本土的雞身是一條寬僅20km 長100km 的窄而又長的走廊。而這走廊上邊的三個州便是民族解放遊擊戰最洶湧澎湃的三個州。如果這裏的遊擊戰能象阿富汗那樣成功的話,印度就不可能繼續地逗留南藏。南藏也就自然地回歸我國了。如果我國能把這雞頭裏其餘的6個州扶持建立成6個與中國友好的緩衝國,我國就基本上解決了印度卷土重來的後患。

Assam: Black Widow’s Web

In a bid to neutralize the region’s most lethal insurgency, the Indian government uses all its might - and some rival insurgent groups unofficially as a proxy, Anuj Chopra reports for ISN Security Watch.

By Anuj Chopra in Haflong (Assam State), India for ISN Security Watch


One of the most wanted fugitives in Assam, Commander Daniel – Daniel Dimasa – escaped with two other rebels in a jailbreak in December after eight months behind bars. He is one of the top commanders of the Dima Halam Daogah (Jewel), also called Black Widow, the most lethal insurgent group in the region, active since 2003. It is fighting for a separate state within India for the Dimasas, the largest tribal group in this hill district.

Speaking via a crackly telephone line from somewhere in the remote jungles of Assam’s North Cacher Hills, the commander told ISN Security Watch: “Tell them [the Indian government], if they think they can crush us just because they’ve got our chairman, they are wrong. Our movement will not stop.”

Then he cut the interview short, saying it was “too risky, we are being hounded.” He declined a face-to-face interview.

The army is doggedly hunting Black Widow, buoyed by recent successes, such as this month's capture of the group's elusive chairman, Jewel Garlosa, a notorious rebel long on the run, from a Bangalore guesthouse.

In June, government forces shot the group’s foreign secretary, Frankey Dimasa, in Guwahati, Assam’s capital. That same month, in a bid to nip sources of funding to the group, the government also arrested Mohit Hojai, the chief executive of the North Cachar Hills autonomous council after it was revealed he was helping siphon government funds to the group.

The no-tolerance approach

The Indian government’s aggressive stance is symptomatic of a seismic shift in the country’s counterinsurgency strategy. India is the world’s most attacked nation after war-torn Iraq, according to the Worldwide Incidents Tracking System. But beyond Islamic militants from neighboring Pakistan, it faces a key security risk from the myriad insurgencies within its own borders.

After a new government was recently sworn in in New Delhi, India’s home minister, P Chidambaram, in his “100-day agenda,” pledged to make fighting Naxalities (Maoist rebels active across 13 of India’s 28 states) and insurgent groups in the northeast, his chief priority.

And while the government will not disclose its strategy, the troop surge in the North Cachar hills – a sparsely populated 5,000-square-kilometer tribal hilly region – is indicative of its new no-tolerance approach towards insurgents.

“The general perception in the government is that if Sri Lanka, a tiny island, can eradicate the [separatist Tamil Tigers], why can’t we?” Umeshwar Singh, an officer from the Intelligence Bureau, currently posted in Haflong, the district headquarters, told ISN Security Watch.

Casus belli

North Cachar Hills is home to 18 tribal communities including the dominant Dimasas, Zeme Nagas, Hmars, Kukis and the Karbis. And there are scores of insurgent groups all said to be representing the rights of ethnic tribes.

Clashes have escalated over the past three months between the Dhimasas and Zeme Nagas. No one knows who is behind them, but officials believe the region’s armed groups are trying to inflame ethnic communal passions.

Among the insurgent groups, the Black Widow is said to be the most recalcitrant. Its members routinely orchestrate brutal killings, kidnap tea garden owners and extort money from local businessmen and government contractors. In recent months, they have killed security personnel and shot at freight trains supplying essential commodities to neighboring states.

But the casus belli, the government says, is the Black Widow’s disruption of two ambitious capital-intensive infrastructure projects: the national East-West Corridor road project, a motorway that will connect Assam in India’s north-east with Gujarat state on the western fringes of India’s border with Pakistan, and the railway’s broad-gauge conversion project.

In a joint statement, the contractors of the East-West Corridor – which includes the companies Gammon India and Continental Engineering Corporation – warned they were mulling over “absolute withdrawal” from the project, as there was no respite for their workers from the relentless cycle of kidnappings and killings. Many contractors have already fled.

To flush out the insurgents in this region of just 200,000 people, the Indian government is in the process of escalating its troop levels – from 60 companies of the Indian army to 75, according to Singh. With an influx of 8,000 to 10,000 security personnel, the soldier-to-population ratio could spiral to 1:20, one of the highest in the world.

Hell bent

But it will not be easy tackling them. As you move toward the rural interior, the forest becomes denser, the population conspicuously sparse and concrete roads morph into rutted mountain tracks. Rebels hiding in these forests are led by four formidable commanders, backed by nearly 300 sure-footed fighters adept at guerrilla warfare, armed with a sophisticated inventory of Chinese-made AK47s, M16s and rocket launchers, and who know the jungle terrain like the back of their hands.

This is known to be a wealthy insurgent group, with monetary collections believed to be far greater than that of the United Liberation Front of Asom, the state’s biggest insurgent outfit.

Despite that, Singh is confident they will be reined in. About 10,000 soldiers versus 300 insurgents (he believes they are fewer now because of rising desertions) is an unlikely match. If more troops are needed, more will be called in, he said. “The government is hell-bent on finishing them.”

Black Widow declared a unilateral ceasefire with the government just days after Jewel Garlosa was apprehended. But the government has refused to reciprocate. This week, P Chidambaram said a ceasefire was out of the question given that the government was close to neutralizing the group. He is also concerned the group might misuse the ceasefire to regroup and refurbish arms.

“A militant group cannot offer a ceasefire to a sovereign government,” he told the Indian parliament. “A militant group must abjure the path of violence, surrender and lay down arms and then we can talk about any other problem they may have.”

But even if the army succeeds in neutralizing Black Widow, however formidable the challenge, will this mark the end of insurgent activity?

Sipping lalcha, or black tea, at a local cafe, a Haflong-based social worker laughs at the prospect of the North Cachar Hills bereft of insurgents. “This one goes and another one will sprout up like mushrooms.”

He says he has lost count of the number of groups, small and large, whom he has to pay an unofficial tax to every month.

“How many militants can the army kill?” he said. “Seventy percent, 80 percent? And then what? Only a handful is enough to spawn a new insurgent group.”

The painful history of this breathtaking region confirms the view.

Proxy warfare

Black Widow, or DHD(J), is a breakaway faction of the larger Dimasa outfit, DHD, led by Dileep Nunisa, which entered into a ceasefire agreement with the central government in early 2003.

Opposed to the truce, Jewel Garlosa, then a senior commander, reneged allegiances with DHD to single-handedly float his own group, DHD(J).

Sequestered into four different camps, nearly 800 DHD rebels claim they have renounced violence under the ceasefire agreement, but have not put down their arms. Local tribals still routinely accuse them of killings and extortions.

Scores of interviews with tribals and DHD commanders confirm that the government is unofficially using the DHD as a proxy to attack Black Widow, even though they are bound by a ceasefire and not supposed to engage in armed warfare.

In order to neutralize Black Widow, the government is also backing a splinter group, locally called the “James Group,” led by a rebel named James Dhimasa, who recently broke away from Jewel Garlosa with 60 armed cadres.

The James Group has not entered into any ceasefire agreement and so can openly move about the region with arms. Both groups are accused of brutal killings, extortions and gunrunning.

Yathong Dimasa, the tall and stocky 34-year-old additional commander-in-chief of DHD, told ISN Security Watch that his cadres, armed with M16 and AK47s (heavy weapons they are not allowed to carry under the ceasefire agreement), routinely accompany the army, and sometimes on their own, to hunt Black Widow rebels.

The James Group did the same, he said. James Dimasa declined to be interviewed.

Singh, when asked about the role played by other rebel groups, acknowledged the army sought their assistance to penetrate into the difficult terrain and converse with locals in the tribal language, though he declined to comment on their use in active warfare.

He confirmed that the James Group had not entered into any ceasefire agreement, and they would “not be apprehended for now.”

Many locals accuse the James Group of harassment, and would also like this group to be reined in, saying it is as criminal as Black Widow, if not more.

“Once underground, now this group moves about freely on the streets with arms, almost as though they have an unwritten ceasefire agreement with the government,” a social worker told ISN Security Watch on condition of anonymity.

“Ceasefire in this part of the world,” he added, “is like getting a government license to do segregated killings and extortions.”


Anuj Chopra is a freelance journalist whose stories have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor and The San Francisco Chronicle, among other publications. Chopra lives just outside Mumbai in India and is the 2005 recipient of the CNN Young Journalist Award in the print category.


International Relations and Security Network (ISN)
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