

(2007-12-26 06:55:28) 下一個
發達資本主義國家大部分的貧富分化很多年前就已經完成,你沒有看見,但不代表它沒有發生.這個過程是血淋淋,赤裸裸的,雖然有時會帶著溫情脈脈的麵紗(like the success story of Ford Motors)。曆史書裏都有,不贅述了.中國的貧富分化正在進行,發財的都是你身邊的人,所以你能感受得到.而美國這兩百多年間發了財的人都逐漸和沒有發財的人分離.就像蒸餾效應一樣,沸點低的往上走,沸點低的往下走, 分開了。現在美國真正的富人(葉總is close,但可能還差點)的圈子和一般人交叉很少,所以你看不見。

現在的狀況是,你在美國拿工資(I assume),但有人靠吃dividend和收房租過日子.這些人是很少在你的身邊出現的Think about the owners and landlords of all the commercial and residential buildings in NYC, the large share holders, and heirs of those 大財團,大公司,like Hilton Hotels. Sounds familiar? She's the entertainment spice in common people's eyes, but nobody would think of her as the result of貧富分化, because it happened at her grand-parents'era.

I'm just trying to point out some facts many have neglected or choose to neglect. I'm not bashing America, although a little friendly bashing might be what it needs at this moment. America is a great nation that made great success with it's great legal, political and financial systems(They are bad per se, but they are the best). Lots of things can be learned or even borrowed by developing nations that faces polarization problems. For instance, anti-trust laws, 工會(although obsolete here and now in the US), 遺產稅, double taxation on dividends, tax on capital gains, progressive income tax structure, and a comprehensive social benefit system, etc. (Not that are good things, but they fight polarization).
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