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【 紅莓花兒開 】

(2010-01-09 12:17:30) 下一個

【 紅莓花兒開 -- the Snowballs are in Blossom 】

這不是一首輕快的歡歌,而是 孤獨 寂寞 思戀 煎熬的 哀嚎 ,,,,,

Цветет Калина 紅莓花 不是 紅梅花

歌者何人, 知否?~.~

俄語 原聲

【小生 撰輯 © 】

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
yijuhua 回複 悄悄話 hehe, yes i do murmur a bit of russian, and i was the proud model-rep of russian-class n-years ago~~~; of course the russian version is much better, because she knows what she sings means, where, most our country folks don't~~
戲雨飛鷹 回複 悄悄話 I know who she is:)... she is PLY. but I like the original 俄語原聲 much much better. she was deeply emotional.

what the differences between 紅莓花 & 紅梅花?

can you sing the song in Russian? hehe. I still remember you could speak Russian:)