
借人氣請教how to delay a period(請斑竹保留一會兒,謝謝)

(2007-11-13 16:10:04) 下一個
12月底要出去度假,正好在period期間,(I am not on birth control pill)學校的health care 說,要提前3個月take pill 才行,沒有短期的,我在網上看見有人建議norethisterone, 不知道姐妹有什麽建議,先謝謝了
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As far as I know, within your body's own natural tolerance or the range of adjustment, eating cooler food, keeping your body temperature relatively lower than your norm, would do, but, perhaps only for 2,3 days at most.

In the same principle, you may even like to try some other ways, whichever can offset your NORM (which determines your cycle of period basicly). While, if you want to delay, you may have to keep yourself toward Cooler or the direction of less activities 靜.