

(2005-02-19 18:48:24) 下一個
掙紮也是生活的一部分。沒有苦那有甜。 人生因痛苦掙紮而美麗 一說是掙紮,也可以說是戰勝自我。過了這一關,就海闊天空了。 在這個過程中,有些人成功,有些人成佛,有些人認命,有些人變得冷漠,有些人心理永 遠留下了陰影。人的一生其實就是掙紮的一生,掙紮著活著,活的更好。為了自己,也為 了自己所愛的人活著。 這根本不是什麽高學曆高薪的問題,而是如何恢複從前正常的生活軌道和精神狀態的問題。至於是不是“成功”,每個人心中都有對成功的一把標尺,自己感到舒服就好。 right, the most important thing is happiness. do what makes you happy. and be happy of what you are doing. sometimes, you have to sacrifice a little to get a long-term and long-lasting happiness. if you are so not happy with what you are doing now, think carefully what will make you happy in the long run, then make a plan for it, and understand that you may have to sacrifice and suffer for it now, but you will be there one day. after all, holding a negative attitude toward your current situation and doing nothing to change it is the most harmful! we shouldn't be afraid to change, and the change i am talking about can be anything, yourself and your goals. according to Napoleon Hill, you may learn to become positive, but most of the peoopple will become negative when they meet the setback.--That is the hardest time to become positive always! my favorite book is called "success througth a postive mental attitude" by Napoleon Hill and William Stone and the second one is called "awaken the Giant Within"by Anthony Robbins. exactly. set a reasonable standard in your heart and stick with it with a healthy attitude, and, most importantly, be satisfied with what you have achieved after effort. in a word, reach for what you think you can reach and be satisfied. 不是懶 是心灰意冷 需要的是精神上的振作
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nextspring 回複 悄悄話 I agree that happiness is the most important thing in life. It is worth pursuing.

Sadly, I do not know where is my happiness. I am happy when stay with family, when go out relaxing. I am uphappy at any kind of competitive profession. To me, I guess I might not be able find a career that can make me happy. I do not know how many pepople out there are like me: work is work--not expect a lot of joy, find happiness after work?

I feel it is hard to maintain a positive attitude always. As said,people like me-a perfectionist-- is very sensitive to possible setbacks.

To me, it does not work by " 戰勝自我". I benefited a lot by starting accept myself, like myself, being nicer to myself. Once I did that, I can free the energy which trapped me in the negative emotions like frustration, anger, anxiety: eg: YOU SHOULD DO BETTER! And move on.

