
2 months check up

(2008-04-01 11:42:00) 下一個
coming here most of time I am talking bad things happened. In fact, this blog is for my sweet daughter Olympia. there are so many good things from her. I got to be hurry up.
Olympia is a strong girl.she went out with grandmom,mom and brother even just after she was born a week. everytime we went to chicago. the whole family has to go. of course, this whole family has no father now. Grandma was taking her well, but she is also so good that she just go with us without disturbing. whenever we come back home, then she know she is back, she can expand her body(the car seat is really not comfortable), she can cry for milk now.
When she stayed with the lady, she always talk and smile. she is weighting 11P12OZ, she is growing all sides.in the evening, she also only wake up one time. sometime I am so tired and just put the pacifier in her mouth, then she will also calm down and went back to sleep. she would not cry that much to get milk. looks like she know mom is too tied to give her. Fortunately, I still tried my best to feed her at least one time.
up to now, taking care of olympia is really a big fun, looking at her beatiful face, black big eyes, listen to her voice " ah..ei..wu..", it is so much insteresing. I am enjoy all the time with her. but because only myself here, so I still don't have quite that time to talk and accompany her. that make me a little sad. Such a cute girl, I could only satisfy her basic needs. I want to build a good future for them. I have to struggle more.
she had another three immunaztion shots, I was so supprised that she only cry not more than one minute, then she got ok. how brave she is. I am so proud of her.

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