

(2007-11-09 21:14:54) 下一個
今天下午麵試回來, 大公司, 兩個人一個hr一個engineering director, 問題如下:
1. Tell me about your education background?
2. What are your interests?
3. What is your working style?
4. What is your ideal work environment?
5. Where do you see yourself in long-term?
6. What do you know about our company?
7. Why we should hire you?
8. When can you start?
9. What engineering direction you would take in future? Design or analysis? and why?
還有幾個,不太記得了, 最後hr拿了我的certificate, driving licence等文件取複印, 我問了director幾個問題:
1. What makes a good employee in the company?
2. What is your experience with xxx company and your greatest acchievement?(學梅影的, director說that\'s a good question, 然後說了一會)
最後director兩點還有meeting先走了, 讓hr帶我走了一圈, 最後在樓梯口告別時, 問他拿了business card, 再表達了一下對這個工作的興趣. HR說director下星期出差要兩周後才能給答複.

對自己表現良好, 有問有答, 有幾個問題加了幾個很有力的keyword, HR在寫得時候 有時候還說excellent. Director笑容不多,屬於穩重那種, 但是我說的東西覺得他在聽有時候自己點頭. 沒有技術問題, 可能覺得我剛畢業,技術知識差不了哪去, 主要考behavior. 工作地理位置不太好,離家遠,除非能找到人carpool...因為他們說要兩周後才能複, 暗喜, 主要想等下一個麵試機會。今天我第一次on-site, 信心增加不少,還是要感謝職場各方朋友的經驗之談.
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