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讀 President Barakck Obama 傳記

(2022-04-21 12:11:05) 下一個

讀完傳記, 一直想寫一點心得。 就先記錄一下最感興趣的幾點吧。


“At the start of each day of my presidency, I would find a leather binder waiting for me at the breakfast table. Officially it was known as the President's Daily Brief. Or PDB. Top secret, usually about ten to fifteen pages in length, and prepared overnight by the CIA in concert with the other intelligence agencies, the PDB was intended to provide to president a summary of world events and intelligence analysis, particular anything that was likely to affect America's national security."

總統的一天是從閱讀總統簡報開始的。 簡報由中央情報局和其它相關單位提供。擔當重任的人, 每天的第一件事, 應該都是從閱讀簡報開始吧。


總統在聖城耶路撒冷Western Wall 前的禱告寫的也很好。

“Lord, protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will”.

來自世界各地的朝聖者在哭牆前祈禱。 通常他們把心願寫在紙上,塞進牆縫裏, 上帝會接受他們的祈禱。 總統也把紙條塞進牆縫,總統以為這是他和上帝之間的對話, 可走後紙條就被人找了出來。 第二天大家就從報紙上看到了總統寫了什麽。


書中描寫的和外婆之間的感情也讓人感動, 是我最喜歡的章節。

總統是外婆外公帶大的, 和外婆外公感情深厚。 因為外婆病重,即使選舉前很忙,他也前去看他的外婆。 並且設法拋開隨從,一個人在小區漫步,回憶隻有他和外婆知道的美妙瞬間。他的外婆在總統選舉日去世。

“Once Toot (總統對外婆的稱呼)was gone, there would be no one left who remembered that life, or remembered me in it。” 讓人唏噓。






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