慕容青草 (熱門博主)
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Get Ready for the Upcoming Huge Wave

(2022-11-19 17:16:39) 下一個


Rongqing Dai

Now it’s time to close the account for Special Relativity (SR) since it has become crystal clear that SR is wrong. It is wrong and no one can save it. The denominator of this matter is so big that no one can tactically add any number of tricks to save it, even not aliens. SR is wrong no matter you like it or not and no matter you have the courage to face it or not----- it is a fact.

Then what we might expect to happen once the whole world knows this fact?

It is understandable that for many people, especially physicists, they just cannot imagine what might happen after it is known to the world that SR is wrong. Just imagine how many formula have been derived using SR, how many lab reports have been filled with data calculated using SR, how many books have been written based on SR, how many prizes including Nobel ones have been awarded to authors of papers written with equations derived using SR or data calculated with SR……

Well, those number are huge but still only concerning surface issues. Surface issues could block the mind of many from further thinking what if SR is wrong, but they are not the substantial issues yet.

Substantially, once the world finally realizes that SR is indeed wrong, we have to face things like how many supposedly unsolved puzzles could have been solved if not because of the application of SR in the past, how many solutions that have been considered as good but cannot be tested (e.g. black holes related) might contain errors because they were obtained using SR, how many catchy theories that might contain some not very catchy elements because they were constructed based on SR……All in all, how many papers and books and reports that were created in the past century need to be reexamined once the world knows that SR is wrong?

The world will embrace a huge wave….a wave of reexamining the repository of scientific literature of the past century, which could mount up to a number of writings that has to be described as countless.

The world will be stirred up with excitement….young professionals would be excited because tons of new job opportunities would be open for the need of reexamining the literature that was potentially impacted by SR, including Nobel Prize winning papers. Students in physics would be excited because they would have a lot more options for the subjects of term papers or degree dissertations.

Well, some lucky ones might even hit the jackpot when fixing the existing SR-impacted writings to win some prizes, maybe Nobel Prizes……

Anyway, a huge wave is coming so that better to get ready for it. It is going to be another round of first come first take opportunities like those happened in past for which many people have felt jealous against the academic ancestors…..

Get ready, opportunity always favors the prepared.

Well, preparation might not be enough now since the fact is already unveiled and the competition is going to be tough…….

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