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南法悠閑3日遊 (下)

(2013-09-02 23:07:34) 下一個

在意大利瘋狂後,法國就純粹是到此一遊。我們在南法住了3日,一天在Nice, 2天在Arvignon。Arvignon住的是幹淨廉價Premiere Classe Avignon, 33euro一天。在Arvignon主要是看皇宮和周圍的羅馬遺跡,也順便追隨了一下梵高的蹤跡。在Arles,可以在Information Center購買Arles的聯票。Center的工作人員告訴我們,梵高的房子已經沒有了,那個Cafe還在。

在我們旅館的旁邊不遠的地方,有個mall,mall裏麵有個中餐燒烤buffet。每次我們進餐館,所有的顧客都盯著我們看,哈,來了一幫外星人!! 這裏去的中國人很少! 這餐館的老板是一個華裔法國人,不會英文漢語,老板娘是西安去的,見我們有他鄉遇故知的意思。還為我們做了個蛋花湯。waitress是山東來的留學生。我們兩天的晚餐就這裏了。

1. Palais des Papes, Arvignon, France,Arvignon有保存完整的城牆和教皇皇宮
Palais des Papes, Arvignon, France
2. 千年的門,The door, Arvignon, France
The door, Arvignon, France
3. 千年的門 The door to Palace, Arvignon, France
The door to Palace, Arvignon, France
4. 斷橋,the famous half bridge, Arvignon, France
the famous half bridge, Arvignon, France
5. 城牆,wall, Arvignon, France
wall, Arvignon, France
6. street, Arles, France
street, Arles, France
7. street, Arles, France
street, Arles, France
8. street, Arles, France
street, Arles, France
9. Cafe Van Gogh, Arles, France
Cafe Van Gogh, Arles, France
10. street, Arles, France
street, Arles, France
11. 特寫,羅馬的Amphithéatre d'Arles, France
Amphithéatre d'Arles, France
12. Amphithéatre d'Arles, France
Amphithéatre d'Arles, France
13. Rome Théatre, Arles, France
Rome Théatre, Arles, France
14. 世界上僅存的幾個地宮之一,cryptoporticus of Arles, Arles, France
cryptoporticus of Arles, Arles, France
15. 手工藝人,people, Nimes, France
people, Nimes, France
16. Nimes Arena, France
Nimes Arena, France
17. 一個要拆的老房,Nimes
18. 羅馬時代是引水渠,用了6百年!!Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
19. 看看有多厚!! the depth of the wall, Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
the depth of the wall, Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
20. 這水流6百年,Top water channel, Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
Top water channel, Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct near Nimes, France
吃: Van Gogh Salad非常新鮮,非常provence的蔬菜, "Van Gogh Salad" at Van Gogh Cafe, Ales, France
最後,吐槽一把法國人,在rest area
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jzz 回複 悄悄話 8k USD
知足而樂 回複 悄悄話 Great trip and great pictures! One advantage of visiting your site is that if we take the same trip, we can bypass the picture taking part and concentrate on experiencing the places, as we will not be able to beat you on the photos. What's the total cost of this trip?