
Chinese Proverbs

(2008-03-18 19:38:49) 下一個
"May you live in an interesting time", that is the quote I heard a lot lately from news media and is attributed from china.  Being raised and educated in china, I cannot think of a phrase used in daily life close to the semantics of the saying, even though I was not surprised at all knowing Westerners also make up staff as from china/Confusian to make it more authoritative.    After watching the market and participated late part of the rally today, another chinese proverb came to my mind, "remain sober when all are drunken".  Indeed, the market is like  those celebrity girls in news (Paris, Britney come in mind :) ),always moody,  if you want to hang out with them yet not put yourself in danger, you have to be calm and steady (just a guess :) ).

Obviously, the market has come a long way since last Friday, we are now up against our first resistance, last few times when we get this point, the market promptly were sold off, hopefully, this time, things can be different.

But I would suggest caution still. 

ok, maybe another BSC debacle will not happen anytime soon, but  the financial system are still under stress and credit problem will not disappear overnight.  so, you have to ask how high this market can go?

Technically speaking, the down trend has not been broken yet, so, if you trade based on purely TA, you are still supposed to "sell into rally" until the downtrend is broken.

"As approching abysse, like walking on the thin ice", that is the alertness one should always have when deal with the market.  and  that is the proverb distilled from thousands years chinese experience

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