
複旦Hong Ma的PNAS傑作

(2009-08-05 12:36:36) 下一個

複旦Hong MaPNAS傑作

姑且不說文章質量如何。Hong Ma 不僅與人共享通信作者,而且自己在某州立大學的三個單位之後,掛上複旦的三個單位,其中一個居然是植物生物學研究所,跟題目所聲稱的老鼠研究 離題萬裏。更有趣的是,Hong Ma的通信郵箱居然有一中一外兩個,個人認為這一創新可以在Nature或者SCIENCE上發表。

我們需要這樣的洋鬼子來用納稅人的錢嗎?這位大人究竟是為提高我們學術,或者是培養人才, 還是騙取名聲?抑或是來偷盜我們錢財?


Transcriptome of embryonic and neonatal mouse cortex by high-throughput RNA sequencing

1.   Xinwei Hana,b,c,

2.   Xia Wua,b,

3.   Wen-Yu Chungb,d,

4.   Tao Lia,b,e,

5.   Anton Nekrutenkob,c,f,

6.   Naomi S. Altmanb,g,

7.   Gong Chena,b,c,1 and

8.   Hong Maa,c,d,h,i,2

-Author Affiliations

1.    aDepartment of Biology,

2.    fDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

3.    bThe Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences,

4.    cIntercollege Graduate Program in Genetics,

5.    dDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,

6.    gDepartment of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802;

7.    hState Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering and Institute of Plant Biology, Center for Evolutionary Biology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;

8.    iInstitutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China; and

9.    eInstitute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China


·         1To whom correspondence may be addressed.

Department of Biology, 201 Life Sciences Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

E-mail: gongchen@psu.edu

·         2To whom correspondence may be addressed at:

Department of Biology, 405D Life Sciences Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

E-mail: hxm16@psu.edu or hongma@fudan.edu.cn

·         Edited by Nina Fedoroff, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., and approved June 11, 2009

·         Author contributions: G.C. and H.M. designed research; X.H. and X.W. performed research; X.H., W.-Y.C., T.L., A.N., and N.S.A. analyzed data; and X.H., X.W., W.-Y.C., A.N., G.C., and H.M. wrote the paper.



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