

(2007-08-12 21:22:34) 下一個

今天突然聽到一位很有愛心的朋友受到很大傷害的故事,很為他難過, 很想為他做點什麽,很希望他能走出這段灰暗, 此刻心裏默默為他祈禱, 希望他能挺過這段傷害, get what he deserves

有感而發...we can not choose our point of departure, where we are born are not chosen by ourselves, but we can choose our point of arrival - at least to certain extend

I hope everyone who gives love gets love back, there are still lots of beatiful feeling no matter how dark your surrounding might seem to be - it is a matter of seeing it rather than loose sight of it

Feel good & live a lilfe, we can manage....

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尋夢兒 回複 悄悄話 回複占波的評論:
Thanks for your message, I will pass it on, it helps me as well

占波 回複 悄悄話 Very few people in the world knows the true meaning of love,even less has experienced the whole love from A to Z.
True love can never be repeated, true love only happens once in a life-time. If you could re-love, the first one means nothing of love. Hurt by feeling, you could overcome it and stand up again, hurt by love, the only way to go is dead or mad. So calm down and drink some wine, if you can get up the next day and brush your teeth, the feeling which hurt you has no value at all,no matter how depressed you feel. Your true love is in the future.
Pass these words to your friend, it may help!