

(2007-07-14 13:57:19) 下一個
    兒子剛讀完初二.剛上小學變為單親家庭子女.曆年數學科學等成績優秀,也熱愛曆史地理,語文中等,英語會說不少但會寫的很少所以考試成績很爛.上重點高中沒有希望.上初中以後,因為我出國了,他跟老爸,老爸與後媽半年後就去了別的城市,他就跟著奶奶.平時上課倒從沒有荒廢,課後馬馬虎虎完成作業就拒絕學習.周末就喜歡打通宵電腦.我在德國建立了新家,對方是一個人蠻不錯的, 工薪階層的德國人.我自己的德國的生活漸漸穩定. 兒子是我的心頭肉, 我希望能自己看著他成長. 但不知道來德國對他的前途與心裏發展是否裏大於弊. 他出來了就沒有回頭路了. 我內心有點焦慮. 先生說他會權利協助的,但他平時都在上班也很忙. 兒子又處在叛逆期,對寬鬆的老爸比較沒有怨言,對羅嗦的老媽我總有很多意見. 該怎麽辦才好呢?   
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deflc 回複 悄悄話 如果你的家庭穩定,比較和諧,還是將孩子接出來,不要怕孩子的叛涅心,關鍵是慢慢讓孩子走出單親家庭對他關心少的影子,在國外也能培養孩子自己的興趣,同時也讓他能學習公平的對待別人.
jaydad 回複 悄悄話 sorry, missing part of the comment """ problem"
if he is younger, say less than 10, move him out of china to get wholly germinzed;
if he is older, say 20 or above, get him to europe or america to be globalized;
for right now, at the heat of his 叛逆期, i suggest you wait a little bit. Now it is a concern that he has neither dad or mom by his side - i guess you or your ex just have to deal with that, with remote control.
best wish
jaydad 回複 悄悄話 if he is younger, say 20, get him to europe or america to be globalized;
for right now, at the heat of his 叛逆期, i suggest you wait a little bit. Now it is a concern that he has neither dad or mom by his side - i guess you or your ex just have to deal with that, with remote control.
best wish