
走走看看: 走光明的道路, 看美好的風景, 過幸福的生活.


(2021-02-26 11:10:48) 下一個

遙遠而純美的南極 Antarctica,有世界上最漂亮的冰雪景色,還有萌萌的企鵝 penguins,活躍的鯨魚群 whales,海豹 seals / 海獅 sea lions / 海狗 fur seals,世界上最大的飛鳥(南極信天翁 Antarctic Albatross)。




阿根廷簽證:美國和加拿大護照免簽;中國護照,有長期的美國簽證或加拿大簽證或申根簽證,可以在網上辦電子簽證,方便容易。如果是綠卡,則要麵簽,看風景幫助準備材料 。




















2023年3月8-17日,剛出生的小企鵝正在迅速長大,鯨魚群最活躍的時候,天氣也是比較溫和平穩的季節,看風景將親自帶隊去南極,價格最好,性價比最高的南極行程 Antarctica classic cruise,歡迎加入。

南極遊船時間:2023-03-08 到03-17;預計行程如下(南極行程受天氣影響比較大,行程可能因天氣狀況改變):


3月8日 March 8th,世界最南端的城市,阿根廷的烏斯懷亞 Ushuaia Argetina,下午四點登船,6點啟航。可選項,上午去遊覽世界最南端的國家公園,火地島公園 Tierra del Fuego National Park,世界盡頭小火車 The train at the End of World,世界最南端小郵局。


3月9日 March 9,36小時航行通過南極海峽 Drake Passage (36 h)

3月10日 March 10,預計今天下午或傍晚到達南極海域 Antarctica,喬治王島 King George Island;如果時間和天氣許可,可能額外安排一次登陸活動


3月11日,12日,13日,14日 March 11-14,上午和下午各有一次南極登陸Antarctic Peninsula 或巡遊活動 Zodiac Voyager ,取決於天氣狀況。


3月14日晚上啟程返航,3月15日穿越南極海峽 Drake Passage (36 h)




我們的南極遊船:Ushuaia 烏斯懷亞號。看風景已經四次領隊乘坐過這條船。2017到2020年,有多批看風景團友乘坐這艘船去南極,是所有南極船裏麵,性價比最好的。以前是美國國家海洋大氣局 NOAA的南極科考船,常年在南極考察,安全標準高於其他遊船。中國的電影《南極絕戀》,趙又廷主演,就是包下這艘船在南極拍攝的。



旅行保險要求必須買旅行保險(緊急救援保險和緊急醫療保險)。如果因突發事件不能成行,比如自己或家人突發健康問題,自己或配偶突發工作變動等,可以從保險公司拿回旅行費用。用這個鏈接,最佳性價比的旅行保險,這個公司的保險是 comprehensive coverage,一份保險,包括以下所有項目:緊急救援保險,緊急醫療保險,行程取消保險,行程延誤保險,行李丟失或延誤保險,租車碰撞保險,24小時旅途協助等等。選擇探險級別的保險 explorer 。https://www.worldnomads.com/Turnstile/AffiliateLink?partnerCode=knfngjng&utm_source=knfngjng&source=weblink&utm_content=weblink&path=https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-insurance/?

















漂亮的鯨魚甩尾。這是鯨魚準備深潛的動作,隻有座頭鯨 humpback whale 才會躍出水麵和甩尾深潛




船票包括上船以後的所有活動,住宿,飲食,登陸和巡遊等。隻有每人每晚15美元的小費, 船上酒精和軟飲料不包括。










Ushuaia 10 days Antarctic route 烏斯懷亞號10天南極行程,英文版

Need 30% as deposit to lock the cabin, the remain part will be paid 120 days before cruise date. All passengers must buy travel insurance. 


Day 1 — Depart from Ushuaia

Embark the Ushuaia in the afternoon and meet your expedition and lecture staff. After you have settled into your cabins we sail along the famous Beagle Channel and the scenic Mackinlay Pass.


Days 2 & 3 — Crossing the Drake Passage

Named after the renowned explorer, Sir Francis Drake, who sailed these waters in 1578, the Drake Passage also marks the Antarctic Convergence, a biological barrier where cold polar water sinks beneath the warmer northern waters. This creates a great upwelling of nutrients, which sustains the biodiversity of this region. The Drake Passage also marks the northern limit of many Antarctic seabirds. As we sail across the passage, Antarpply Expeditions’ lecturers will be out with you on deck to help in the identification of an amazing variety of seabirds, including many albatrosses, which follow in our wake. The Ushuaia's open bridge policy allows you to join our officers on the bridge and learn about navigation, watch for whales, and enjoy the view. A full program of lectures will be offered as well.


The first sightings of icebergs and snow-capped mountains indicate that we have reached the South Shetland Islands, a group of twenty islands and islets first sighted in February 1819 by Capt. William Smith of the brig Williams. With favorable conditions in the Drake Passage our lecturers and naturalists will accompany you ashore as you experience your first encounter with the penguins and seals on Day 3.


Days 4 to 7 — Exploring the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands

The South Shetland Islands are a haven for wildlife. Vast penguin rookeries, beaches ruled by Antarctic fur seals and Southern elephant seals make every day spent in this amazing island group unforgettable. Sailing through the narrow passage into the flooded caldera of Deception Island is truly amazing.


King George Island, the largest of the South Shetland Islands, features colonies of nesting Adélie and Chinstrap Penguins, Kelp Gulls, Blue-eyed Cormorants, Antarctic Terns and Southern Giant Petrels and is home to scientific bases of many different countries. Macaroni, Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins as well as elephant seals await you at Livingston Island.


The Antarctic Peninsula’s remarkable history will provide you with a type of excitement often only associated with the early explorers. You will have plenty of time to explore its amazing scenery, a pristine wilderness of snow, ice, mountains and waterways, and an incredible wide variety of wildlife. Apart from penguins and seabirds you are very likely to see Weddell, crabeater and leopard seals as well as Minke, killer (orca) and humpback whales at close range.


We hope to navigate some of the most beautiful waterways (depending on the ice conditions): the Gerlache Strait, the Neumayer Channel, and the Lemaire Channel, the latter are narrow passages between towering rock faces and spectacular glaciers. We plan to make at least two landings per day. Possible landing sites may include:

Paradise Bay is perhaps the most aptly named place in the world and we attempt a landing on the continent proper. After negotiating the iceberg-strewn waters of the Antarctic Sound, we hope to visit the bustling Adélie Penguin (over 100,000 pairs breed here) and Blue-eyed Cormorant colonies on Paulet Island. The Nordenskjöld expedition built a stone survival hut here in 1903. Today its ruins have been taken over by nesting penguins.


Further exploration may take you to Melchior Island, Cuverville Island, Portal Point, Neko Harbor, Pléneau Island and if ice conditions permit, to Petermann Island for a visit to the southernmost colony of Gentoo Penguins.


Days 8 & 9 — At Sea crossing the Drake Passage, northbound

We leave Antarctica and head north across the Drake Passage. Join our lecturers and naturalists on deck as we search for seabirds and whales and enjoy some final lectures. Take the chance to relax and reflect on the fascinating adventures of the past days on the way back to Ushuaia.


Day 10 — Arrival in Ushuaia

We arrive at the port of Ushuaia in the early morning and disembark the Ushuaia after breakfast.




南極 Antarctica,太多的美景!




02-04到02-11,厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 和加拉帕戈斯群島 Galapagos (達爾文群島)行程。


02-12到02-19, 秘魯 Peru / 庫斯科 Cusco / 馬丘比丘 Machu Picchu 行程。注意高山反應。


02-19 到03-03,巴西 Brazil 精華遊,遊覽裏約狂歡節,巴西五大城市(聖保羅,裏約,薩爾瓦多,巴西利亞,瑪瑙斯),三天兩夜亞馬遜叢林行程。


03-03到03-07,伊瓜蘇瀑布,阿根廷 Argetina 首都布宜諾斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires




03-17 到03-22,世界六大徒步聖地之一巴塔哥尼亞地區 Patagonia。


03-22 到03-27,智利首都聖地亞哥 Santiago,和複活節島 Easter Island


03-27到03-30,天空之鏡 Bolivia Uyuni















看風景組織旅友結伴旅行,行程路線遍及全球七大洲五大洋,南極和北極。都是好玩兒,好看的去處。未來行程請看:www.GlobalViewTours.com   。









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