01.老黑爵譯詞:蕭而化曲:佛斯特合唱改編:平遠領唱:梁英弦樂:北京各樂團首席樂隊Gonearethedayswhenmyheartwasyoungandgay..."> 01.老黑爵譯詞:蕭而化曲:佛斯特合唱改編:平遠領唱:梁英弦樂:北京各樂團首席樂隊Gonearethedayswhenmyheartwasyoungandgay..." /> 【歌曲音樂四首】老黑爵,我的家庭,Going Home - 博客 | 文學城


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【歌曲音樂四首】老黑爵,我的家庭,Going Home

(2009-07-05 21:17:42) 下一個


譯詞:蕭而化 曲:佛斯特 合唱改編:平遠 領唱:梁英

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay
Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away
Gone from the earth to a better land I know
I hear their gentle voices calling "Old Black Joe"
I'm coming I'm coming for my head is bending low
I hear their gentle voices calling "Old Black Joe"
I'm coming I"m coming for head is bending low
I hear their calling "Old Black Joe"

時光飛馳 快樂青春轉眼過 老友盡去 
永離凡塵赴天國 四顧茫然 殘燭餘年惟寂寞
隻聽到老友殷勤呼喚老黑爵 我來啦我來啦
黃昏夕陽即時沒 天路既不遠請即等我老黑爵
我來啦我來啦 黃昏夕陽即時沒 
老淚縱橫 豈因遺恨心頭鎖 家人盡去
要不悲泣不由我 回首往事 團聚一笑一如昨
而今聽他們殷勤呼喚老黑爵 我來啦我來啦
黃昏夕陽即時沒 天路既不遠請即等我老黑爵
我來啦我來啦 黃昏夕陽即時沒 
都在何處 往日兒童多活潑 可憐可愛
曾經都在膝上坐 今也往矣 日久灰塵遺物沒
隻空聞他們殷勤呼喚老黑爵 我來啦我來啦
黃昏夕陽即時沒 天路既不遠請即等我老黑爵
我來啦我來啦 黃昏夕陽即時沒 

02. 我的家庭

詞:吳研因 曲:R.Bishop 合唱編曲:平遠
領唱:潤雨 小提琴:劉雲誌 長笛:程小華

Mid pleasure and palaces though we may roam.
Be it ever so humble,there is no place like home.
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there.
Where seek thro' the world,
is never met with else where.
Home!sweet,sweet,home;There's no place like home.
(Oh)there's no place like home!
An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain.
Oh!Give me my lowly that cottage again.
The birds singing gaily,that came at my call.
Give me them with the peace of mind,dearer than all!
Home!sweet,sweet,home;There's no place like home.
(oh)there's no place like home!

我的家庭真可愛 整潔美滿又安康 
姊妹兄弟很和氣 父母都慈祥
雖然沒有好花園 春蘭秋桂常飄香
雖然沒有大廳堂 冬天溫暖夏天涼
可愛的家庭呀 我不能離開你 你的恩惠比天長  

03. Going Home

Artist: Sophie Zelmani

Not very often have we met
But the music's been too bad
Can only sense happiness
if the music is sad

So, I'm going home
I must hurry home
Where a life goes on

We're too old to make a mess
Dreams will keep me young
Old enough to stress
Only mirrors tell the time

So, I'm going home
I must hurry home
So will my life go on

Yes, I'm going home
Going home alone
And your life goes on

04. Going Home (Instrumental, Saxophone)

Artist: Kenny G.



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