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美語聽力與發音技巧 14

(2009-07-16 22:58:04) 下一個


美語聽力與發音技巧 第14期(“t”的發音)


Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English. Today’s tip is on the pronunciation of the letter “t”.
Of course the letter “t” is usually pounced “t”. But you may have noticed that in fluent speech, native speakers sometimes pronounced the “t” as “d”. That happens when the “t” comes between two voiced sounds.
Do you know what sounds in English are voiced? Well, there’re 15 voiced consonant sounds in English. b, d, g, m, n, ɡ, z,δ, l, r, dз,з,j,w. Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced. So let’s look at some examples of words in which the “t” may be pronounced “d”.
No.1 “matter”. “matter” is often pronounced “mader” as in “What’s the matter?”
No.2 “atom”. “atom” is often pronounced “adom” as in “The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.”
No.3 “twenty”. “twenty” is often pronounced “twendi” as in “That will be twenty dollars, please.”
No.4 “little”. “little” is often pronounced “liddle” as in “He got a little angry.”
No.5 “city”. “city” is often pronounced “cidi” as in “Did you grow up in the city or the country?”
No.6 “butter”. “butter” is often pronounced “buder” as in “Pass the butter, please.”
When people speak slowly or emphatically, however, they usually pronounce the “t” like “t”, not like “d”. Also, a “t” does not sound like “d” when it comes before a stressed vowel as in “return”.
This has been today’s daily tip on learning English. Tune in tomorrow for another tip.

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罷了 回複 悄悄話 謝謝樓主回帖,這就去聽.
YuGong 回複 悄悄話 回複罷了的評論:
There is another one that I posted last year:

Gettysburg Address (Text/Audio):
YuGong 回複 悄悄話 回複罷了的評論:
多謝罷了的美言和鼓勵。我剛貼了Abraham Lincoln 的“The Gettysburg Address”背誦:
Gettysburg Address

YuGong 回複 悄悄話 回複ecocitymeng的評論:
YuGong 回複 悄悄話 回複屁屁龍的評論:
英語裏有聲音包括十五個有聲輔音(b, d, g, m, n, ɡ, z,δ, l, r, dз,з,j,w)和所有單,雙元音。
罷了 回複 悄悄話 通常隻在首頁上瀏覽的我,無意之中闖進了你的博克,享受到一種“曲徑通幽,別有洞天”的欣喜,好像無意之中撿了一個漏,好高興。特別喜歡你的“英語名篇名段背誦精華”,英語影視,歌曲,音樂,以及”天下文章”等。不知道你是否有Abraham Lincoln 的”The Gettysburg Address”背誦,讀中學時曾背誦過,所以比較有感情。謝謝分享!
ecocitymeng 回複 悄悄話 就是兩個要發聲的音啦
屁屁龍 回複 悄悄話 two voiced sounds是什麽意思..請大師幫忙解釋一下