

(2007-12-12 08:23:19) 下一個

這個孩子平時很乖很熱心,我很震驚他小小的心裏會有這種情感(更希望是小孩信口雌黃)。不禁聯想到我看過的一部法國電影,“Joyeux Noel”(Merry Christmas),講的是一次大戰時英法德士兵在聖誕節自發停火共度聖誕的真實故事。影片的開始就是戰爭前夕三個國家的孩子各自訴說他們為什麽厭惡敵對國家,這些觀點自然都是從大人,學校聽來的。可是這種情緒伴隨他們上了戰場,直到麵對麵。


I spent this summer in China, during which time I visited a college friend’s home. My friend has an eight year old son. On the wall of his bedroom there was a map of the world. A few stars scattered on the map – Beijing, San Francisco, Qingdao, etc. The boy explained patiently these were places he and his loved ones lived. Then there was a big red X over the island of Japan. I asked him what it stood for. To my shock, he replied, “That’s Japan. I hate Japanese.”

“Why is that? You know any Japanese?” I asked.

“No. I just hate them. I wish them all dead.”

I looked at my friend. She kept with her own business as if she’d heard nothing.

I saw a French movie “Joyeux NoelMerry Christmas” a while ago. It was based on a true story. During the first year of World War I soldiers from France, Germany and Scotland ceased fire on Christmas Eve and celebrated together. At the beginning of the movie were speeches from three school boys before the war, each stating how he despised the other countries. They were fed these ideas and emotions, which would accompany them to the front, where they finally met face to face.

I lack the courage to imagine China’s future, where such emotions and ideals are still being fostered. Irrational hatred is like cancer cells. If you don’t annihilate them early on, they will manifest to terminal illness.






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心境年華 回複 悄悄話 僅從兒童心理教育的角度而言,此文值得令人深思!


莫-莫-莫 回複 悄悄話 引發人深思的好文章。

clipmom 回複 悄悄話 回複hopefull的評論:
Thank you for your comment. I am all for education on the war atrocity. You can only avoid repetition of history by studying it. What I'm against is irrational hatred based on race. This child hates Japanese simply because they're Japanese. With this mentality future wars are unavoidable.

I don't wish invasion and occupation on anyone, even Japanese.
hopefull 回複 悄悄話 While it is certainly extreme to wish all Japanese dead, the hatred toward Japanese, common among Chinese, is not unfounded. Japan did invade and occupy China, during which period 20 million Chinese perished. That's more than 3 times the number of Jews slaughtered in the WWII. And yet, compared to the people and the government of Germany, Japan has shown a lack of remorse over its war crimes. To this day, its apologies and general sentiment have been insincere at best. While I'll never wish China go to war with Japan, I think having the younger generations of Chinese well informed of one of the darkest chapters of the Chinese history is essential, especially in this day and age, where monetary gains seem to trump everything else.